Images are that language, by which “software” (individual program and manipulation modes) of a human is recorded. They can and should be used in manipulation [self-regulation]. Images are the main tool for manipulation of another person, as well as your own self since no one can resist transmissions of their own manipulation modes. Each person has his/her own images. It is impossible to guess images of human manipulation modes; it is necessary to know them—this is the only way to be able to manipulate [other people, as well as you own self] with 100% predictable result.

IMAGES OF BALANCING MANIPULATION MODE are images for gaining trust of another person [or you personally].

Knowledge of images for gaining trust of another person allows you to make him/her experience natural friendly feelings towards you: acceptance, sympathy, interest and trust. All you need to do is look in encyclopedias (of animals, plants and other natural objects and phenomena) and read about natural qualities, characteristics, algorithms of images of his/her balance mode; and then, you will understand who to present yourself as with this person and what roles to play during communication with him/her. When you know images of the balance mode of another person and begin to play them—he/she begins to perceive you as someone who is close, a friend at the unconscious level [i.e. bypassing the intellect], begins to trust you, opens up to you, seeks to communicate with you due to the feeling of comfort that he/she experiences when with you.

If this information relates to you personally, then it can and should be used for self-regulation. Knowledge of images of your balance mode allows you to use this information in processes of self-regulation when necessary; for example, to achieve a comfortable, balanced state. Knowledge of images of your personal natural balance mode [Balancing Manipulation Mode] allows you to find out qualities and life algorithms of which animals and other natural objects other people demonstrate (play) to you in order to make you trust them, while being not your true friends, but possibly your ill-wishers, who want to use your kindness for selfish purposes. And, images of balance mode can be used to become inaccessible to manipulation from outside.

Note: Knowledge of images for gaining [your or another person’s] trust does not replace reception of a detailed scenario for gaining trust of another person [or you personally] (Balancing Manipulation Mode – see ID 3). Knowledge of images complements this scenario, making manipulation of another person [self-regulation] easier and more effective because images are always exponential, demonstrative. (Detailed manipulation scenarios are decryptions of images from the ancient text Shan Hai Jing. Decryptions were done by developers of the Catalog of Human Population.)

When you purchase this material, you get a list of images, by which balance mode [of another person or your personally] is recorded and Instructions on how to work with them. Each individual [subtype] program or manipulation mode of a person contains 30 to 100 or more images. [Programs of different subtypes are recorded by different number of images.] Click here for an example.

To learn more about Images Of Balancing Manipulation Mode, please refer to the FAQ at

To learn more about benefits of having your own or other people’s  Images Of Manipulation Modes click here.

To purchase your own or someone else’s Images Of Balancing Manipulation Mode click here.