Forum Rules

Quote from HPA on June 23, 2018, 6:09 PMRules Of Conduct
- No abusive or slanderous language is allowed.
- Professional conduct and communication is expected of you.
- No sharing of offensive or inappropriate material.
- No spamming.
- No sharing materials that belong to someone else, unless you have their permission.
Disagreements, negative opinions or points of view are not discouraged, but they should not be personal or disparaging. We want to foster a courteous, respectful and an open environment known as community posting etiquette for all users. Any arising issues should be brought up to the Administrator as a new topic at
Rules Of Conduct
- No abusive or slanderous language is allowed.
- Professional conduct and communication is expected of you.
- No sharing of offensive or inappropriate material.
- No spamming.
- No sharing materials that belong to someone else, unless you have their permission.
Disagreements, negative opinions or points of view are not discouraged, but they should not be personal or disparaging. We want to foster a courteous, respectful and an open environment known as community posting etiquette for all users. Any arising issues should be brought up to the Administrator as a new topic at