While studying the Catalog of Mountains and Seas (Shan Hai Jing), Andrey Davydov, who discovered in it the Catalog of human population, found out that each one of the three manipulation modes of a person is an individual program of some subtype of Homo sapiens. Therefore, it turned out that people within the same subtype are not just blood relatives (blood because we suppose that blood might be related to the “software” of a human), but it is also possible to say that they have very close kinship ties with other three subtypes (meaning, carriers of suppression, balance and stimulation modes of an individual).
However, we will not go into the description of this rather complicated natural mechanism—the influence that people have on each other in time and space; we will just say that when a person knows the dates of his manipulation modes, he can find ideal partners for any type of relationship, any kind of activities and any kind of influence on his own psyche and physiology*.
*More on this can be found in the book by A. Davydov and O. Skorbatyuk, which is titled Ideology Of Religion: Scientific Proof Of Existence Of “God”—The Catalog Of Human Population, as, in essence, this book is not about religion, but about the Catalog. Since the Catalog of human population (despite the fact that it can become an ideal basis, foundation for any of the existing religions) originally has nothing to do and cannot have anything to do with religion because it is the source of knowledge, and knowledge and faith are completely different things.