Many wonder why HelpMate(s) By Birthright personal and business dating service is offered on such a serious scientific research based website. The answer is quite simple: because the main topic and result of scientific research of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls is the ancient Chinese literary monument Shan Hai Jing, which turned out to be the Catalog of Human Population that describes deep (psycho-genetic) structures of human psyche of 293 subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens (meaning, the entire human population) and has a wide range of practical applications. It can be stated that the Catalog of Human Population can be applied in absolutely all areas where a human is present, including technological areas (see a list of specific areas here.) Among all these areas of practical application of the Catalog of Human Population, a huge and very important segment for each person is the sphere of human relations/communications of any kind: business, romantic and family relations, groups by interest, communities, etc. Since relationships are a significant part of any person’s life, one of our goals is to help people be happy in relationships.
There is a saying in the scientific community: “Theory without practice is dead,” which means that any scientific research does not makes sense if it has no practical application. HelpMate(s) By Birthright personal and business dating service was created directly on this website in order to give any person an opportunity to test it on practice right after a brief introduction to the theory, and absolutely free of charge. Human Population Academy and Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls serve not only educational purposes through this, but also contribute to the solution of one of the top social problems—the problem of communication between people.