There could be a few reasons. For example, as you probably already noticed yourself (that is, if you purchased Images of Individual (Subtype) Programs)—human programs have the image “nephrite” (jade). And, this image is in natural programs of many Homo sapiens subtypes. “Nephrite” makes a person strictly follow the guidance (philosophy, way of life), which parents (or those people who replaced them) gave him/her during childhood.
If the image of “nephrite” is in the individual program of people, or even in some of their personal manipulation modes (suppressing or balancing), then during childhood these people, like sponges, absorbed and adopted program peculiarities of their parents/upbringers. (This issue, as well as questions related to artificial software (influence of which on human psyche should also be taken into account), are described in detail in the book titled Ahnenerbe: Your Killer Is Under Your Skin.)
However, to consider one of the examples you mentioned (attitude towards money)—we do not know if psychologists, who work without the Catalog of Human Population are familiar with this phenomenon, but those psychologists, who use the Catalog in their practice, know about “nephrite,” and the existence of 2 types of “software” of Homo sapiens (natural and artificial) and know very well that such a phenomenon as “financial ceiling” (which includes attitude towards money) gets set specifically by parents; and, this quality might not relate to natural (program) qualities of an individual.
The same can be stated about nutrition. After all, how and what to eat, a person, who does not know his natural program either learns from his/her parents or tries to copy someone’s eating habits, or lives according to advices of those (nutritionists, etc.), who do not know anything about him/her; plus, plenty of diets that he/she thought-up (or took from philosophical-religious systems, which, in essence, is the same thing). In the end, a person, who has an image of an animal that eats only meat in his program, becomes a vegetarian. The result is always sad—weakness, decreased activity, bad mood, and then diseases of various systems of the organism that do not receive those nutrients, which can be obtained only from meat products. Are you not familiar with similar cases?
And, how many cases exit when parents force (or convince) children to eat that food, which they eat themselves, and then get surprised that children are overweight and unhealthy? But, what do all these perversions have to do with natural “software?”
As for the choice of profession—in this area, civilization offers a solution to problems based on strange, to put it mildly, methods: “The same for everyone”, “Find yourself on your own”, “Hit or miss,” etc. The result is that people “follow the footsteps of parents” or choose “the most demanded (prestigious) specialties” from the list because they do not know their natural functionality, what their natural inclinations and talents are, and in which professional fields to realize them.
As a result, most people become “disillusioned” with their chosen profession, and, at times, quite quickly. However, time that they lost and money spent on education cannot be returned, and so they are forced to work according to the chosen specialty (sometimes for the rest of their lives) and during lunchtime say to their colleagues: “I always wanted to be a musician.”
People become “disillusioned” only because by nature they are not inclined towards this kind of activity. And, this means that they engage in their specialty with great difficulty (although to someone it would be very easy), it brings them a lot of negativity, and they are unable to be successful in it—a fish cannot fly like a bird, and a bird cannot exist in the depths of a sea like a fish. And so on. But again: what does this have to do with the Catalog of Human Population?
As it turned out, by nature humans are bio-robots. This means that a human can neither function, nor even live without programs. Consequently, those people, who do not know their natural programs described in Shan Hai Jing, are forced to live on the basis of other people’s or artificial programs. Meaning that they do not live their own lives, and, actually, they do not exist as individuals. They are zombies, clones. Fortunately, part of their natural program works “automatically” and they are alive because of this. It is this part that you, as a psychologist, can see in people from the group of those, who were born on the same day, and it will be the same for all. And, this is what your experiment confirmed.