A human and a computer have a similarity: both do not work without software. A computer without “software” is a useless pile of metal; a human without “software” is a body, life in which is supported by automatic physiological processes, but he will never function like a human. Today almost everyone is familiar with computer software, but not many are familiar with human “software.” Even though, as it turned out, human “software” is the “soul,” which people were looking for so hard for centuries, but could not find.
Human “software” can be natural, as well as artificially created by people themselves.
Nature gives “software” to every person from birth as a base, without which any bio-robot, including a human, cannot live. Without even coming close to that natural “software” is provided by nature to every person from birth, civilization came up with a lot of modifications of artificial “software.” People had to live somehow since by nature it is arranged so that a person cannot live without a program at all, and the Catalog human population, where every person could find out his natural program was lost.
However, the trouble is that artificial “software” (meaning, “software” invented by people) differs from natural in the same way as plastic apples differ from natural apples. That is not surprising because even at the current level of technological development of this civilization, a human is not able to create anything that would be equal to natural; quality of that what he creates is always worse. Let’s go back to “plastic apples”: such a “diet” quickly leads to death of a human. In this civilization, in the best case, people live for several decades, instead of centuries, as they could live according to studies done by physiologists.
In essence, life based on artificial “software” that replaces the natural program of an individual, turns him into a living corpse while he is still alive. Life on artificial “software” leads to colossally rapid deterioration of the entire human psychophysiology, premature aging and early death. Only a few percent of the potential that is implanted in a person (and, which would allow him to heal and rejuvenate himself) gets realized and a person has nothing else left, but to die from diseases and old age.
And, during the time period between birth and death, for the most part, a person’s life is difficult, full of problems. Is it not this process and result that are described in mythologies of almost all nations of the world: a shift from the Golden Age, in which all people lived for many years, happily and without problems to the Iron Age, tainted and cruel, when “men never rest from labour and sorrow by day, and from perishing by night” (Hesiod, VII-VII century BC, Works and Days, Retrieved March 14, 2015, from http://www.sacred-texts.com/cla/hesiod/works.htm)?
Artificial “software,” like hydrochloric acid, corrodes a person from the inside. As it is known, concentrated hydrochloric acid turns contents of a stomach into a bloody mess. A chemical burn of this kind does not always end instantaneously, sometimes doctors save a person by removing the insides, but a person lives the rest of his life severely disabled and dies before his time. And, at any stage a person is in hellish pain because of this. Is this not the same process that we can observe around us: life in misery, and then death, in 100% out of 100 cases?
No person in his lifetime is able to fall outside the scope of his natural program without damage to himself. And, everything that Homo sapiens try to make out of themselves by creating artificial programs, as replacements of their natural programs, in terms of nature are mutations. In nature all mutants automatically “go under the knife.” Automatically—means that if functioning of an individual falls outside the scope of his natural program, then nature automatically regards this as a threat to existence of the whole natural system, and the program of self-destruction automatically turns on in that individual.
Probably, this is why lives of Homo sapiens in this civilization are so short. After all, according to physiologists—by nature a human body is designed for a healthy, normal and youthful life of a few hundred years. And, this is confirmed by the ancient sources; for example, in descriptions of lives of biblical characters, which most people are familiar with. One of them—Methuselah—lived 969 years according to some sources. Or is the Bible wrong?
Artificial “software” is the root of absolutely any problem of an individual, as well as society as a whole. “Software” created by a human for himself and for other people can be compared to the most dangerous computer virus, which breaks the entire system; to a virus, which there is not a single chance to get rid of, except for doing “a factory reset,” cleaning “the disk” called “the soul” of everything extraneous, everything that is not related to the natural “software.” And, today this is possible since the Catalog of human population, which is the collection of descriptions of human programs, was found and returned to civilization.
Artificial schemes that people come up with as programs for life are unable to completely turn off their natural “software.” Simultaneous work of both natural and artificial “software,” first of all, makes the life of an individual very uncomfortable, as these two “programs” come into a conflict, which does not end until death. Secondly, this is very similar to trying to sit on two chairs at once. And, the result is the same. Trying to resolve this conflict, but not knowing his natural program, at some point an individual completely switches over to artificial “software.” The trouble is that when he “succeeds”—he dies right away; a person is alive only while his natural program works. Therefore, natural “software” of people, which is described in the Catalog of human population, always corresponds to real people. And, this is easily observable.