Matchmaking done through the Helpmates by Birthright personal and business dating service is based on genetic compatibility. Many are interested in the question of why we draw conclusions about compatibility without asking clients to spit in test tubes. The answer is simple. Because, as the latest scientific research in the field of psychophysiology uncovered, information embedded at the genetic level can be of two types.

The first type is physiological, and it is studied in science called Genetics*. In this case, samples of tissues/fluids of the human body (hair, saliva, etc.) are taken as genetic samples.

The second type of genetic information lies much deeper and is stored in archaic structures of human psyche. This level is being studied in a new direction in psychology called Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. It is at this level that the psychogenetic code is located as a subtype’s totality of the Individual Program of a person given from birth and three Manipulation Modes to this program (see Structure of Human Psyche). Spitting in a test tube is not required in order to uncover the psychogenetic code of a specific individual, the only necessary “spitting” is the full date of birth of the individual. The second most important piece of data is gender, and no other information about the individual is required.**

Also, the difference between these two types of genetic information is that information related to physiology is inherited, but the psychogenetic code is not. That is, children are not antenna-like continuations of their parents in terms of their psychical structure. (Exception are situations when both parents and the child belong to one of the 293 subtypes of Homo sapiens, which is hypothetically probable, but on practice is unlikely to be common.)


* A section of biology that studies genes, genetic variations, and heredity in organisms.

** On the basis of research and discoveries in the field of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis the Bird of a Feather technology was created with the algorithm utilizing matching at the second, the psycho-genetic level (which is actually the first, the main one because, as it turned out, psyche completely determines functioning of physiology).