In essence, the concept of human “software” (or, using scientific terms—”subtype structure” or “individual archetypal pattern”), “psyche,” and “soul” are synonymous. The role of human “software” is huge. It is the basis of work of all human psychophysiology.
Human “software” is the natural subtype program of an individual and three manipulation modes as correctors to this program: suppression mode, balance mode and stimulation mode. A program and three manipulation modes are “soldered together,” as elements of a unified system called “human psyche.” Every human subtype has its own, unique natural program with three manipulation modes. More information about programs and manipulation modes of Homo sapiens will be provided below.
Human “software,” using the computer terms, gets “installed” by nature at the time of birth. If we draw an analogy with other technics, an individual program and three manipulation modes of a person are, relatively speaking, “factory settings,” meaning that an individual is created by nature specifically like that.