-I purchased a description of the suppressing manipulation mode of my husband (and images from Shan Hai Jing, but of a different subtype structure, not of this mode). I began studying them, but experienced difficulties with both understanding of images and this scenario. I don’t understand why. I have a degree in liberal arts, a great interest in psychology, and I read a lot. Also, it is stated on your website that it is very easy to act out manipulation scenarios. I am having doubts about this since in this case it is necessary to transform into a different person. How is this easy if you are not a professional actor?
Lack of understanding of some of the aspects, as this is quite normal for a person, who just began getting acquainted with the Catalog of Human Population.
It is also quite natural that there are some difficulties when working with images from Shan Hai Jing and ID 2. However, as you will probably concur, there is hardly any kind of knowledge or skills, in which a beginner does not face any difficulties.
However, no matter how difficult use of the Catalog of Human Population seems at first—it is not necessary to complicate it. We can only repeat that it is easy to use manipulation scenarios from the Catalog of Human Population on practice. After all, the most difficult in manipulation of another person is to know what role to act out to which person in order to influence him/her. With manipulation scenarios from the Catalog things are much easier—just use it.
As for your conclusion that it is necessary to have some professional acting skills in order to act out a role of natural human manipulation modes—you are mistaken. All people in this civilization, without exception, play roles every day and everywhere (at work, at home, among friends, etc.), posing themselves as someone they are not without problems, even though not all of them are professional actors.
Of course, as the saying goes, "there is no limit to perfection," and the more professionally a person transforms when he/she plays a role—the better. However, in any case, there is a diapason: from simple skills to mastery—in any undertaking, and in acting out manipulation scenarios as well. At the simplest level no special acting skills and knowledge whatsoever are necessary in order to act out manipulation scenarios from the Catalog of Human Population. Just play the role of a person from the suppression (or any other) mode in the same that you play the role of a super-specialist, conscientious worker, loyal, friendly and industrious employee at your workplace, an exemplary family man to your wife, and "head over heels" in love to your lover. Note that everyone is capable of this.
And, if you cannot demonstrate something—simply say it, attributing to yourself that what you do not have: personality traits, preferences, talents, wealth, views. In this civilization, where people lie 24 hours a day 7 days a week—every person knows how to do it, and without taking any acting classes. The same is required of a person, who acts out natural manipulation modes to someone. You are "no one and your name is nobody?" No problem, the important thing is that you talk about how influential, powerful you are. You never in your life engaged in windsurfing? Just say that it is your favorite hobby, but you just have no time. You never take showers several times a day? Just say that you simply cannot live without taking a shower several times a day. As you can see everything is simple, familiar and anyone can do this.
This level of acting is quite enough for a manipulation scenario to work and for you to get results. And, if you want this process to be more effective—then learn. In other words, the same rule applies here, as with any type of human activities. There is nothing extraordinary here.
Yes, if you want to manipulate a person it is necessary to know "by heart" how to behave and what to do according to a manipulation scenario. However, what is extraordinary in that? All types of human activities require exact sequential execution of a series of actions and instructions. Even to prepare a simple cake it is necessary to act according to the recipe, otherwise it will turn out inedible. In order to brush your teeth, not your shoes, it is necessary to place a toothbrush in your mouth, and put toothpaste on it, not shoe polish.
The same principle applies everywhere: study, learn, practice. So far, humanity has not invented any other principles to learn something new.
And, how does learning the Catalog of Human Population differ from learning, for example, medicine? Students study anatomy, physiology, etc., and then they engage in practicums. Why does learning the Catalog of Human Population, which describes an even more complex structure of a human—his psyche—should be easier? And, what are such suppositions based on?
-I’m a professional psychologist. I bought a description of the individual (subtype) program of people born on … from Catalog of Human Population and wanted to check if this description represents real people born on that same day (accounting for leap/common years of birth). I found that very accurate information is given in the general description of an individual. However, some of the things from information on 6 factors did not apply to some people. For ex., some nutritional habits, attitudes towards money, profession—did not coincide. How can you explain this?
There could be a few reasons. For example, as you probably already noticed yourself (that is, if you purchased Images of Individual (Subtype) Programs)—human programs have the image "nephrite" (jade). And, this image is in natural programs of many Homo sapiens subtypes. "Nephrite" makes a person strictly follow the guidance (philosophy, way of life), which parents (or those people who replaced them) gave him/her during childhood.
If the image of "nephrite" is in the individual program of people, or even in some of their personal manipulation modes (suppressing or balancing), then during childhood these people, like sponges, absorbed and adopted program peculiarities of their parents/upbringers. (This issue, as well as questions related to artificial software (influence of which on human psyche should also be taken into account), are described in detail in the book titled Ahnenerbe: Your Killer Is Under Your Skin.)
However, to consider one of the examples you mentioned (attitude towards money)—we do not know if psychologists, who work without the Catalog of Human Population are familiar with this phenomenon, but those psychologists, who use the Catalog in their practice, know about "nephrite," and the existence of 2 types of "software" of Homo sapiens (natural and artificial) and know very well that such a phenomenon as "financial ceiling" (which includes attitude towards money) gets set specifically by parents; and, this quality might not relate to natural (program) qualities of an individual.
The same can be stated about nutrition. After all, how and what to eat, a person, who does not know his natural program either learns from his/her parents or tries to copy someone's eating habits, or lives according to advices of those (nutritionists, etc.), who do not know anything about him/her; plus, plenty of diets that he/she thought-up (or took from philosophical-religious systems, which, in essence, is the same thing). In the end, a person, who has an image of an animal that eats only meat in his program, becomes a vegetarian. The result is always sad—weakness, decreased activity, bad mood, and then diseases of various systems of the organism that do not receive those nutrients, which can be obtained only from meat products. Are you not familiar with similar cases?
And, how many cases exit when parents force (or convince) children to eat that food, which they eat themselves, and then get surprised that children are overweight and unhealthy? But, what do all these perversions have to do with natural "software?"
As for the choice of profession—in this area, civilization offers a solution to problems based on strange, to put it mildly, methods: "The same for everyone", "Find yourself on your own", "Hit or miss," etc. The result is that people "follow the footsteps of parents" or choose "the most demanded (prestigious) specialties" from the list because they do not know their natural functionality, what their natural inclinations and talents are, and in which professional fields to realize them.
As a result, most people become "disillusioned" with their chosen profession, and, at times, quite quickly. However, time that they lost and money spent on education cannot be returned, and so they are forced to work according to the chosen specialty (sometimes for the rest of their lives) and during lunchtime say to their colleagues: "I always wanted to be a musician."
People become "disillusioned" only because by nature they are not inclined towards this kind of activity. And, this means that they engage in their specialty with great difficulty (although to someone it would be very easy), it brings them a lot of negativity, and they are unable to be successful in it—a fish cannot fly like a bird, and a bird cannot exist in the depths of a sea like a fish. And so on. But again: what does this have to do with the Catalog of Human Population?
As it turned out, by nature humans are bio-robots. This means that a human can neither function, nor even live without programs. Consequently, those people, who do not know their natural programs described in Shan Hai Jing, are forced to live on the basis of other people’s or artificial programs. Meaning that they do not live their own lives, and, actually, they do not exist as individuals. They are zombies, clones. Fortunately, part of their natural program works "automatically" and they are alive because of this. It is this part that you, as a psychologist, can see in people from the group of those, who were born on the same day, and it will be the same for all. And, this is what your experiment confirmed.
-I purchased materials about my Individual natural program (decryption) and decryptions of all 3 of my manipulation modes. Since I have decryptions, why do I need to know images, on the basis of which these decryptions were made? Don’t decryptions have everything or I’m wrong? And, if I purchase information from the Catalog of Human Population, does this mean that I’ll have to study something on my own as well? Is any help included in the cost?
These questions were merged into one because, in essence, they contain the same underlying question: "Why should I study something if developers of the Catalog of Human Population are doing it for me?" As with all questions related to independent study of information that is presented in the ancient Chinese manuscript Shan Hai Jing—every person decides for himself/herself what and how much to study. Only one rule works here: if you want to know—study, if you do not want to study—you will not know.
Every person decides for himself/herself what amount of knowledge he/she wants to have. In principle, if you have a description of your Individual Program from the Catalog of Human Population, then you can rightfully state: "I know myself." If you know someone else's Individual Program, you can also state with certainty that you know that person. And, if you have someone's Manipulation Modes in the form of manipulation scenarios—you can do whatever you want with that person. The vast majority of people in this civilization do not possess even this amount of knowledge. And, if you want to expand the amount of knowledge you have about yourself, then study images of your own program, and if you do not want—do not study.
However, in order to make the right decision—to learn more or not to learn—it is necessary to know the following. Despite being detailed, any decryption, as a description of a particular human subtype, is still only a small piece of information about the program of that subtype. Shan Hai Jing contains such a huge amount of information about each subtype structure that by volume a description of just one of them could exceed an encyclopedia of many volumes.
However, at the present moment, creation of a multi-volume description of each Homo sapiens subtype is not possible because it would take a lot of time and effort, while the Catalog of Human Population contains descriptions of not just the first level of programs (with which people are born), but also a lot of other interesting and important information.
For this reason, from the start of development of the Catalog of Human Population, it was decided to decrypt programs of subtypes fully, but at the same time to provide the most important, essential information in a description; information, from which a person could recognize himself/herself in a description (or, if a description applies to another person, it would be possible to recognize him/her) and, of course, information that could be used in practice, in everyday life.
Such descriptions usually contain about 30 pages for each of 4 modes; about 120 pages of text in total. It is enough for a description—a whole book. And, images of individual Human Programs and Manipulation Modes are available to those, who would like to learn more about themselves or another person.
It is very interesting and useful to know images of an Individual Program (or a Manipulation Mode) when one already has the decryption of this Human Subtype Program (or Manipulation Mode); and, especially for those, who want to learn to understand images of human "software" described in Shan Hai Jing. Images will allow you to better understand where certain personality traits that are described in decryptions come from. However, it is especially important to know images in order to act out a role in manipulation.
In short, knowing images, by which a particular Individual Program or Manipulation Mode is recorded, one can get incredibly huge amount of various information (meaning, on all 6 factors) in addition to a received decryption.
Do you personally need this information, meaning—do you want to study yourself in-depth and know yourself in tiniest nuances (and thus, have an opportunity to use all of your natural potential), or are you satisfied with knowledge about yourself that you received from us—this is not for us to decide. Therefore, the formulation "need to know images" is not correct, as no one needs it except you.
As for assistance in independent study of Individual (Suptype) Programs, Manipulation Modes and images from Shan Hai Jing—it is not included in the price of materials. In this case, a client receives a free Instruction document about how to study these images. As for other kinds of help—there are 2 types of help, and they are priced separately:
1. Private Consultations
2. Human Population Academy's Global Distance Learning Programs
-I got my individual natural program and all of my 3 manipulation modes from the Catalog of Human Population. However, why do my friends say that it would also be good to know programs of my parents? What for? After all, you state that children are not antenna-like continuations of their parents?
If we consider active and passive of a natural program of a human as a base and weft of fabric (i.e. foundation, basis), then, as it is known, it is possible to apply paint onto fabric, to weave in additional threads, to decorate it with lurex, beads, etc. The same thing happens with the natural program of every person in this civilization when parents raise their children without the Catalog of Human Population.
Not knowing the natural program their child and not even suspecting that their children are not their antenna-like continuations (as it is the case with animals)—parents raise them based on a single principle: "Do as I do!" A variety of tinsel gets hung on a human program, like decorations on a Christmas tree. Moreover, this "tinsel" gets hung forcibly since this usually occurs at an age when children are completely dependent on their parents and are unable to contradict them.
The result of unbringing in the form of "Do as I do!" and why it is extremely harmful to human psychophysiology is described in detail in the book titled Ahnenerbe: Your Killer Is Under Your Skin. However, more important here is that each parent has his/her personal natural program and he/she is unable to pass on to a child anything else besides it. For this reason, many of those people, who study not only other people’s, but also, first of all, their own "software," order decryptions or images of individual programs of their mother and father. This way they know exactly what personality traits, life algorithms, etc. were forcibly set in them, can sort their own from not theirs at all and get rid of harmful waste.
-I purchased a description of the individual subtype program of my girlfriend and recognized her in it. The only problem is that she has a twin sister (dizygotic), and I noticed that they are not like each other. How can this be, if they were born on the same day, and so they have the same natural program?
As it is known, it has long been noticed that fates of twins are often closely connected or similar, and that many twins, even when they were separated since birth, can have the same habits, get into similar situations, have the same diseases and even die at the same time. However, this rule does not always work. The reason is that if twins were born within one 24-hour period (and sometimes it is not the case), then they as if share the natural (subtype) program, and one gets the active part of the program, and the other—passive.
Since active and passive of the program of each one of 293 subtypes of Homo sapiens are recorded by completely different images, which give different personality traits, abilities, life algorithms, preferences, etc.—twins might differ from each other in all these parameters.
Unfortunately, if this is the case with the situation that you described, then you cannot see these sisters separately—as active and passive—from the decryption of the program of your girlfriend. Probably you would recognize one of them in the description of the active part of the program, and the other one—in the description of the passive. However, any decryption is a certain "fusion," where the active and passive of the program are tied together. Therefore, the only way to see the passive and the active (separately) is to find out images of this subtype program. However, it is never too late to get images of the program of your girlfriend.
A second possible reason that twins might differ in character is that the time of their birth was at the junction of two 24-hour periods. In this case, programs of different subtypes turn on in each one of them at the moment of cutting of the umbilical cord. For example, assuming that birthing occurred normally, and in this case usually the time between birth of first and second twin is 20-30 minutes—the first twin was born at 11:45 PM, and the second at 12:15 AM. This is also a possibility, especially since in many cases birthing of twins occurs with complications and the process of birthing of the second child might be delayed.
Therefore, if you state that your girlfriend and her twin sister are not alike at all—they either each got one half of the subtype program, or if they were born at the junction of two 24-hour periods—they have different subtype programs. It is difficult to say which case applies in your situation since you have not provided time of birth of each of the sisters.
-I ordered the material called Dates оf Manipulation Modes several times (to find a suitable partner, to better act out the role of the suppression mode, etc.), and each time I got 2 dates for each mode (leap and common years). But now I ordered dates again and there is only one date of suppression mode. Could this be a mistake? I ordered dates of a person born on …
Since we are discussing the date of birth that you specified—there is no mistake. Yes, more often than not it happens that when a client orders the material titled Dates of Manipulation Modes from the Catalog of Human Population he/she receives 2 dates for each mode, one of which is a leap year and the other—a common year. However, in your case, suppression mode happened to fall on the month of January, and there can be only one date in this month.
-I’m a professional psychologist. I purchased a description of subtype program of several people born on the same day, whom I tested by traditional psychological methods. I read the description, compared it with information that I got without the Catalog and was a bit surprised that I did not learn a lot of new information about these people.
Of course, it is always a pleasure to communicate with professionals in their field. However, did you consider that developers of the Catalog of Human Population, who provided this information to you, have never met any of the people from your group? Moreover, it is very likely that they have never in their lives met any person born of this date?
People request information from the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls about those, who the developers of Catalog of Human Population have never met. Meaning that, unlike you, the developers are not able to observe this person, see how she/he lives and functions, talk with that person in order to find out some information, and so on.
When verification of this research was carried out in Russia in the 90s of 20th century, psychologists compared data about subjects that they received from the Catalog of Human Population with data about subjects, which they obtained using traditional psychological methods. This means that they operated in the same way as you did.
Although this approach is quite strange from the point of view of a psychologist, who practices based on Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. In non-traditional analysis, after reception of information from the Catalog  of Human Population (even if you think that you studied a person well), it is necessary to observe him/her for some time, so to speak, with new information in hand.
-I ordered images of individual program of a woman, but I received a material titled Images of the Individual Program of People Born On… Why is this so?
The natural program of any of the human subtypes is recorded in psyche of Homo sapiens by images, which are the same for representatives of both genders. Since images are the same, then there is no principal difference between programs (manipulation modes) of men and women within the same human subtype.
What principal difference can there be between, for example, a male cat and a female cat or between a male dog and a female dog? It is the same way with people because at the basis of all human qualities are qualities of natural images.
The difference can be only in the sexual factor (sexual behavior, attitudes towards having children, etc.) and only if the program contains representatives of fauna. And, representatives of fauna (i.e. mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, insects, etc.) as images are not present in every natural program of Homo sapiens.
-My colleagues and I (psychologists) got descriptions of different people from the Catalog. We were surprised by that programs of men and women do not differ in anything besides small details in the sexual factor. And, in some descriptions a difference between a woman and a man was not found at all. Although from a psychological point of view, there is a huge difference. How can this be explained?
The Catalog of Human Population describes natural human "software," and it should not be confused with artificial "software" that exists in this civilization. In this civilization, it is customary to assume that there is a difference between male and female psychology, meanwhile in nature there is no such difference or it is expressed in a completely different way.
In this civilization it is common to instill roles for women and men (for example, "women are weak and defenseless, and men are strong"), which by nature they do not have. In nature, male and female animals are not inferior to each other in anything, not in any one of their natural qualities—they are equally strong, fast, both find food (and hunt) equally well, or defend themselves against enemies, protect their territory, offspring.
Based on what was stated above, psychological difference between men and women is pure fiction, made up by psychologists as well. And, this question is clearly not to the Catalog of Human Population, as the ancient manuscript Shan Hai Jing that we are decrypting does not describe civilizational fabrications and perversions.
As for purely physiological difference between males and females in nature and men and women—this question is for physiologists, as the Catalog of Human Population describes psyche, not physiology.
-I ordered two types of materials from Catalog: a description of the Individual Program and description of the Suppression Mode of a person. I was surprised that the structure of both materials is absolutely the same: a general description of a person and then descriptions of 6 factors. Is this how it should be?
Yes, the structure of all decryptions from the Catalog of Human Population is the same (first, a general description of a person, and then descriptions of 6 factors - intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual and environmental), regardless of whether it is someone's Individual (Subtype) Program or it is one of the Manipulation Modes; at least because each Manipulation Mode is also an Individual Program of some Homo sapiens subtype.
-Are there gender differences in such factors as the environmental factor, which lists types of activities that a person prefers, or in the physical factors, for ex., in clothing?
Of course, women and men wear different clothes. However, algorithms of preferences are the same for both genders of one human subtype. If a description of an Individual (Subtype) Human Program from the Catalog of Human Population states that a person necessarily has red colored clothing items in his/her wardrobe, then it simply means that for a woman it might be a red skirt or a red bra, and for a man—a red tie.
Actually, the word "preferences," especially when it comes to professional activities, is not appropriate here because a human is a bio-robot and executes the natural program implanted in him/her; therefore, these are not preferences, but rather functionality. Functionality is the same as that of, for example, birds—to fly and fish—to swim; a person can do one thing, and to be totally unfit for something else. And, functionality is the same in both genders within one subtype.
-I’m confused because I received a manipulation scenario for my husband in the same format as my own individual program. I thought that the manipulation scenario will have instructions on how to behave, and now I don’t know how to use this material.
Perhaps you missed the description of a decryption of suppressing and other manipulation modes from the Catalog of Human Population in the Pricing section because it is stated there what this material contains. All that you need to do now is to play a woman from the description of the suppressing mode of your husband.
An individual from a description of any of the manipulation scenarios (no matter if it is suppressing, balancing or stimulating mode) must simply be acted out by a manipulator like a role. Meaning that he/she must demonstrate (or, if this is not possible, then simply declare) personality traits, preferences, life algorithms, and so on from this scenario—express thoughts and emotions like he/she does, dress and style hair like he/she does, eat what he/she eats, and everything else.
That is, conditionally speaking, if it is written in a scenario that this person is cheap, then you must demonstrate this quality in yourself, by any means and in any situation. If it is written there that this woman wears a red skirt and eats grapes, then you need to do this as well and exactly as described, without implementing any arrangements (changes). And so on.
-Could you please name the main principles of working with scenarios of human manipulation modes?
Acting out any manipulation scenario from the Catalog of Human Population is based on the same principles as professional acting; meaning that you, as an individual, must disappear completely, and in your place must appear an individual described in the manipulation scenario. This is what is called "a complete transformation."
It is a pity that there is a catastrophically low number of actors of this level; even among the so-called "international movie stars." For this reason, film and theater are so boring—total falseness (meaning, unprofessionalism).
When transmitting the natural human program and manipulation modes, this kind of falseness ends in a complete failure because the "viewer" (the person being manipulated) does not believe the manipulator. In this case, success depends only on you and all failures will be at your expense.
Moreover, acting out natural human manipulation modes (as well as an Individual (Subtype) Program) of some person is always much more than acting of an actor on stage. Since your "viewer" will be getting used to the new you for some time (especially if you were acquainted for a long time), and will surely check—are you really, who you claim to be? And, he/she will check very thoroughly.
If the manipulator-"actor" does not know the manipulation scenario by heart and is not ready for full transformation, then the chance that a person he/she is manipulating will believe in his/her act is small. And here, success depends only on the manipulator.
-While reading the Individual Program of my wife, I thought: why should I, a man, act out such childish behavior? After all, my goal is for her to see her “soul mate” in me, correct?
Yes, you are right, in order for the other person to feel that you are his/her "soul mate," to see in you  his/her "second self," then you must act like an individual from the description of his/her Individual Program. Even if you are not too comfortable acting out qualities of this individual, or these qualities are not characteristic of you personally, or you do not like them. And, you are absolutely correct in your suppositions that, int the case of this individual, you will have to act out behavior of a child.
In order for a person to really feel that you are his/her "soul mate," it is necessary to transmit the whole Manipulation Mode (or the Individual Program, as in your case) in its entirety; and, not just one quality of personality (in your case, it is childish behavior), or several qualities. Acting in such way is a big mistake.
If you act out only some separate qualities toward a person, and not the role (manipulation scenario) as a whole, "from A to Z," then with such acting the effect from the influence will be short-term and unstable, if any at all.
-I heard from friends, who use the Catalog of Human Population, that in order to act out manipulation scenarios more easily and professionally and with a better result, it is best to also have images of this Manipulation Mode. Is this true?
Yes, this is true. Even having a manipulation scenario, but without having knowledge of images, which are behind this decryption, it would be complicated to qualitatively transform—meaning, to play a role—even for a very good professional actor. Due to this, our clients usually order a Manipulation Mode (or all modes), and, along with it, order images of this mode at the same time. Knowledge of images of a manipulation mode from the Catalog of Human Population, on the one hand, is useful in order to understand what image is behind which quality and to act it out, and on the other hand—for a more qualitative transformation into another person. It is always easier to act out that what your intellect and your entire psychophysiology can perceive at the unconscious level. And, psychophysiology does not understand the language of words—it only understands the language of images. When qualitative acting of a manipulation mode occurs, if the manipulator knows images of this mode and acts them out, then psychophysiology of the person being manipulated easily picks up on this, and he/she begins to submit to you at a purely unconscious level. This does not always happen in a case when a manipulator does not know images of the manipulation mode and acts out only qualities of personality from the manipulation scenario. Since acting out qualities is, of course, very good, but in this case, a manipulator might be tempted to arrange these qualities to himself/herself (meaning, to play a role as he/she likes or in a way he/she is comfortable), or simply to act them out in a way that is not similar to the original. This ruins results of manipulation very significantly. However, when in front of the inner eye of a manipulator are images of, for example, suppression mode of the person he/she is manipulating, then it becomes more difficult to arrange them or to make a mistake in how to transmit qualities of this individual. And then, the process of manipulation is always more effective.
-I ordered images of Suppressing Manipulation Mode of my boss because I’m very concerned with my career advancement. When I saw images from Shan Hai Jing, I understood that it will not be easy for me to play a role only based on them. Does everyone face this problem or is it just me?
No, you are not the only one. As stated in our F.A.Q., of course, manipulation of a person using only images without having a decryption of these images (meaning, a manipulation scenario) is somewhat more complicated, especially for amateurs in Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis. It is necessary to study images on your own using provided Instructions on how to work with images or get help from one of our experts. However, in any situation, it is much better to have images from Shan Hai Jing than not to have any information about a person of interest.
-I received the material titled Images of Balancing Manipulation Mode of People Born On … , and I was surprised that it contains more than one page of text. Did I get the material that I ordered: description of images?
Do not worry—you received that material, which you ordered, as we check all orders prior to sending them to clients. The reason that this type of material might have more than one page is usually that the Individual Program or Manipulation Mode is recorded by a large number of images in the Active or Passive part.
Only we are a bit alerted by your definition—“description of images,” as there is no description present in this type of material from the Catalog of Human Population, and should not be present. This type of material is just a list of images, by which a particular Individual (Subtype) Program or a Manipulation Mode is recorded. For a complete list of offered materials please refer to Informational Materials From The Catalog Of Human Population page.
-Do decryptions of Individual Programs and decryptions of Manipulation Modes contain gender differences?
Distinction between genders will be present because in case of an Individual (Subtype) Program of a person—we provide a description of a woman or a man, depending on gender of the person about whom the description was ordered. As for manipulation modes: since they are scenarios, which a client will need to act out—gender in a description must match gender of the client.
In cases when a person orders his/her own manipulation modes—the gender of individual in a manipulation scenario also must match the gender of the client because manipulation modes are part of structure of human psyche, and it is much more convenient this way since a person is able to see and recognize himself/herself, his/her behavior, his/her unconscious motivations and preferences right away.
-I’m a psychologist writing a dissertation. Also, I studied philosophy at another university. Usually, I’m able to comprehend a new topic related to psychology quickly enough. However, this is not the case with the Catalog of Human Population. I’ve been “walking in circles” around this topic for over six months—reading, watching, studying, thinking. I purchased materials about a loved one and studied them. Anyway, I still do not understand it well enough.
In this case, the quality of your intellect and how well educated you are—absolutely do not matter. We apologize for answering your question with a question, but how many years did you spend getting an education in those areas, in which you are now a professional? Probably it was not a few days, weeks, months, and possibly not just a couple of years? Then, why are you surprised that you do not have the knowledge and skills that developers of the Catalog of Human Population acquired for decades (this research began in 1975)?
-I received images of the Individual Program of my child to better understand him and to raise him properly. Along with images I got instructions on how to study them and it helped me a lot. However, despite that I can understand how to transfer qualities of animals onto human qualities, I still cannot understand how to do this in cases of images like stones, metals, trees, and so on?
Everybody asks this question. However, we will start with that beginners are practically unable to absolutely correctly transfer qualities even of animals. To a varying degree, it is difficult to do both for beginners.
As for stones, for example, here it is simply necessary to study mineralogy and other sciences related to this natural object. And then, a person, who is trying to comprehend how to understand information about stones will learn that those people, who have this image are very, for example, dependent on influence of emotions of others towards them, and they as if get charged by them, and also always "give back" the emotion transmitted by someone to that same person or to any other person. This means that, if a person has the image "stone" ("stones") and you transmit aggression towards him/her—you will get aggression back, and if you transmit joy—you will get joy back.
And so on, as this is only one of properties of the image "stone"—just as an example. Here, it is necessary only to study nature and learn how to correctly transfer qualities of a particular natural object onto a person. Also, you can always request help from one of our experts in Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis.