- -Psychophysiological state and behavior of Homo sapiens potentially is 100% manageable; the discovery of natural human manipulation modes.
- In addition to detailed descriptions of 293 types of structures of human psychophysiology, Andrey Davydov (researcher-sinologist and author of scientific discovery called the Catalog of human population) found descriptions of natural human manipulation modes for each subtype of Homo sapiens in the ancient manuscript Shan Hai Jing. It turned out that a human is subject to operator's influence in relation to himself, as well as to external influence in mediated modes: optimum, balance, suppression, stimulation. Each person (subtype) has three manipulation modes: suppressing, balancing, and stimulating. However, information about a person’s individual (subtype) program, i.e. "optimum mode" is also used to control him. By nature manipulation modes are built into the unconscious of a human in order to enable him to effectively regulate his psychophysiological state and his behavior. However, as it turned out, if a person knows manipulation modes of a particular individual, and applies this knowledge from the outside, then the individual can be 100% controllable. The power of this tool for managing a human and its effectiveness are due to that this is a purely natural mechanism. Manipulation modes were not invented, developed by anyone, including by the author of this scientific discovery. Reactions of any person to personal (subtype) manipulation modes occur at the level of unconscious reflexes and therefore no human can resist their application. Moreover, without knowledge of your own manipulation modes it is impossible to even notice that you are being manipulated. At the same time, when a person knows his manipulation modes, for some time he still continues to react to them. And, this occurs until a certain stage (until which stage specifically is a separate topic). Representatives of different human subtypes have different manipulation modes. Therefore, some manipulative technique works on one person, but does not work on another. Also, using the language of science, natural manipulation modes allow to regulate all life activity of a human, but possible metamorphosis from regulation do not change his belongingness to a particular subtype structure of Homo sapiens. In other words, it is possible to make an individual feel in a certain way or carry out some actions (any actions and for as long as desired), but, figuratively speaking, a manipulator will not be able to turn a deer into a horse, a rhinoceros into a hippopotamus, a pine into a spruce, and a chamomile into a rose. As worldwide practice has shown, without knowledge of an individual’s subtype manipulation modes from the Catalog of human population, it will never be possible to have complete control over a person with a one hundred percent guaranteed result, and our research confirmed this.
- -What are suppression, balance and stimulation modes?
- Each person has three manipulation modes: suppression mode, balance mode and stimulation mode. Each one of these modes has its own, specific effect on the entire human psychophysiology. These modes are different for different people (meaning, for representatives of different human subtypes). We will describe each mode very briefly. Suppression mode, if considered as a mode of self-regulation of a system called “a human,” it rather powerfully relaxes psyche and body of an individual, brings calmness and joy, pleasure, satisfaction, delight. When a person’s suppression mode is transmitted*, he experiences a state of euphoria stronger than the effect of any narcotics. This completely disorients a person and makes him obey the manipulator, according to the pleasure principle. Right from the start of application of this type of manipulation mode, a person begins to require "a dose" of this kind of pleasure over and over again. And, he will not be able to stop. When the suppression mode is being transmitted, analysis of the situation and the individual who is transmitting this mode becomes impossible for the subject of manipulation. Any person is absolutely open to this kind of influence and he is defenseless before it because it goes through the unconscious, reflexive sphere, bypasses the intellect, and makes use of those mechanisms, which a person is unable to control. A pleasant benefit from manipulation when transmitting the suppression mode of a person is that he/she not just falls in love with the manipulator, but literally begins to adore him/her. On this basis, the subject of manipulation is ready to fulfill any request of the manipulator. The balance mode is called balance because it balances, stabilizes the entire psychophysiology of a person, who is being manipulated, and causes him to be in a harmonious, comfortable state. Balance mode makes the subject of manipulation feel not only very comfortable, but also be quite non-critical. It makes him perceive the manipulator as a friend, even though it is likely that he is not. The comfortable state, which transmittance of the natural balance mode by the manipulator causes, automatically makes a person trust the manipulator, and this trust is unconscious and is not based on absolutely anything. "Doors of the soul" open up. The stimulation mode causes the subject of manipulation to feel such a strong irritation that a person, so to speak, not only "runs on walls," but also on the ceiling. This irritation turns a person, who is being manipulated into a real kamikaze, and he is ready to carry out any actions that the manipulator needs. Using this mode, it is possible to make any person do absolutely anything; even something that he would never do in his life, as well as something that, perhaps, will bring him irreparable harm, or something that he will regret for a long time. It does not matter which race, nationality or gender is a person to whom manipulation modes are applied. In this sense, representatives of the entire human population are absolutely the same. By nature each person has an individual subtype program and individual modes of self-control/control of processes of life activities, and behavior in particular. Of course, this is general introductory information. More details about manipulation modes, as well as what a person, who is being manipulated feels when these modes applied to him, and which feelings make him obey the manipulator, can be found in the book titled Human Manipulation Modes. Either You Are Manipulating Or You Are Being Manipulated (by Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky). Here, we will add only that a human is unable to guess, "learn intuitively" or "draw out" natural manipulation modes. Even his/her own. This means that he will not be able to control/manage himself or another person with a predictable, stable and guaranteed result. * The term "transmittance of a manipulation mode (manipulation modes)" means that a manipulator acts out manipulative scenarios (or images of manipulation modes) for the subject of manipulation.
- -What are the principle differences between the natural tool for controlling a human, which is called Manipulation Modes and all other manipulation methods?
- If someone thinks that there are people who cannot be controlled with a one hundred percent result—this only means that he knows nothing about natural manipulation modes of Homo sapiens from the Catalog of human population. Every person is born with a built-in mechanism called "manipulation modes," which allows for correction of his psychophysiological state and behavior. It is impossible to control a person with a guaranteed result without knowledge of his manipulation modes. However, with this kind of information from the Catalog of human population, it is possible to make any person think, act, feel, live in a certain way. With the knowledge of natural manipulation modes, it is possible to make any representative (or a group) of human population perform any kind of action. Moreover, everything that a person was motivated to, he explains to himself and others as solely his decision, a manifestation of his free will, and an absolutely voluntary action on his part. And, indeed, this is the case because motivational mechanisms get triggered on the inside. This is very different from a situation when a person is forced to do something, and he realizes that he has to do that what he was forced to do, while lacking an internal desire to do it. This is very beneficial for a manipulator. A manipulator, who uses manipulation modes of another person, is always "in the shadow." It is impossible even to suspect that he is manipulating someone. And, even more so, it is impossible to blame him. How can you blame a person, for example, for expressing a thought or wearing a certain piece of clothing or ordering a particular dish at a restaurant? It is difficult to even imagine such a thing. The manipulator is not just guaranteed to receive that what he seeks from the other person, but he is also completely safe from any kind of dissatisfaction, negative reactions, pretensions on part of the person whom he is manipulating. It is impossible to hide from such influence in any way; at least because in order to manipulate a human’s soul and body by the use of his personal manipulation modes it is not necessary to communicate with him in person. It is possible to transmit manipulation modes of a person by communication via social networks, chat rooms, e-mails, telephone conversations, and even text messages. Even if an individual does not leave his home and does not meet up with anyone—this will not protect him from manipulation using his personal manipulation modes. A lot of money, which allow one to hire bodyguards, immuring in a castle or "laying low" on board of a personal submarine will no longer protect from invasion of "the holy of holies" of a person—his psyche and body. It is now possible to do anything with physiology of any person without the use of violent methods, but exclusively through psyche. A high social status will no longer protect either. A person at any social level is completely open to this kind of manipulation. At least because in the life of any person there is always someone with whom he/she is in contact. Without contacts any person goes mad and dies, and this is a well-known fact. However, even if we assume that a person does not allow any contacts with other people, still there are many ways to apply his personal manipulation modes to him. Absolutely any person can now engage in manipulation of others with a guaranteed result; because now no special education or access to classified information (psychotechnologies, special scientific research, compromising materials, etc.) is required in order to do this. Detailed information about what exactly should be done to "break open" someone else’s "soul," is provided in a very understandable form—in the form of manipulation scenarios. Even a poorly educated person is able to understand such scenario. It is enough to simply be able to read. And, it is not necessary to be a professional actor in order to act out a role from a manipulation scenario. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to be a professional psychologist, a representative of special services, etc. in order to manipulate another person, and to do it effectively.
- -What is a “manipulation scenario?”
- Anyone who wishes to manipulate another person and to do it with a guaranteed result no longer needs to think about how to do it. Detailed information from the Catalog of human population about what specifically needs to be done in order to manipulate someone is available in the form of manipulation scenarios. A scenario of any of human manipulation modes (suppression mode, balance mode or stimulation mode) specifies in detail the role that a manipulator must act out for a person, from whom he wants to get something, or whom he wants to make behave in a certain way. Manipulation scenario is a description of the role, which a manipulator must act out. A detailed manipulation scenario contains a general description of the role and a very detailed description on six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual and environmental. Any one of detailed manipulation scenarios (of suppressing, balancing or stimulating mode) describes the following: - How and what to talk about with the subject of manipulation; what topics to bring up; which values and thoughts to declare, while presenting them as your own; which areas of culture and scientific knowledge to demonstrate interest in; etc. - How a manipulator should look when meeting with the subject of manipulation: which clothing styles, set of colors, hairstyles, accessories, make-up, perfume, etc. to use. - How to behave if you are planning to have meals together. Meaning, what specific dishes and drinks to order at a restaurant or to cook, to cook or not to cook at home, what should the portions be like, etc. - What specific emotional reactions to demonstrate (meaning, to act out) to a person, to whom you are transmitting his manipulation mode, and in which form to express declared emotions. - How to behave during sexual contact with the subject of manipulation. Meaning: what types of sex and sexual positions to suggest, what sexual reactions and sexual preferences to demonstrate, while presenting them as your own, and so on. Also, you will learn what specifically to declare in regard to family, children, and parents, while presenting this attitude as your own. - A scenario also describes in detail who to present yourself as on the social plane (profession, hobbies, financial status, etc.); how to decorate the interior of the venue where you are meeting; what gifts to give or offer; what preferences to express in terms of the geographical zone, climate, housing, interior, leisure, entertainment, etc.; what specific behavioral reactions and algorithms of relations with other people to present as your own. And so on. It is very easy to use such a detailed scenario; for any person. All that is necessary is to read the text and to act out a role from the scenario every time you communicate with a person, whom you want to influence. That is—not to act as you want or think you should act with the subject of manipulation, but to act strictly according to the scenario.
- -Is it possible to use images, by which a person’s manipulation modes are recorded as a tool to manipulate him instead of a manipulation scenario?
- When manipulating another person, instead of manipulation scenarios, as this person’s decrypted natural manipulation modes from Shan Hai Jing, it is possible to use images, by which his/her manipulation modes are recorded. This will be a bit more complicated than acting out a role according to a scenario. Since in the case of a scenario, all that a manipulator needs to do is simply read the scenario and act out a role that it describes, while images will have to be studied on one’s own. However, it is quite possible to do if the desire to do it is present. All that you will need to do is to study encyclopedias, reference books on the topic of qualities and lifestyle of a natural object, which, as an image, is present in the manipulation mode of a person you are interested in. It is also desirable to have hieroglyphics from Shan Hai Jing (meaning, hieroglyphs, by which images are recorded) and a certain dictionary*. After studying images, it is possible to act out all found qualities and characteristics of images for a person, whom you decided to influence. Images of manipulation modes can also be learned from the Catalog of human population. They can be used for manipulation purposes on their own or together with a manipulation scenario in order to better understand the role that needs to be acted out for a subject of manipulation. * When working with hieroglyphics, by with which images of human programs and manipulation modes are recorded in Shan Hai Jing, it is necessary to have the Great Chinese-Russian Dictionary edited by I. M. Oshanin (or a high-quality translation of this dictionary into your native language). Use of all other dictionaries for this purpose is absolutely unacceptable.
- -Can I fully control psychophysiology and behavior of a person using partial knowledge and application of his/her natural manipulation modes?
- In order to make a person feel and behave in a certain way for some time, or in order to solve some local problem—it is possible to transmit just one of personal manipulation modes of that person. As for which mode should be used—this depends on the situation. For example, if you decided to make someone fall in love with you or seduce, then the suppression mode should be used. And, if you need to, for example, quickly get rid of presence of some (unpleasant, dangerous, etc.) person, then this person’s stimulation mode should be transmitted. However, in order to make any person one hundred percent controllable and to manipulate him/her with a one hundred percent result—it is necessary to know all four parts of his/her subtype structure: suppressing, balancing and stimulating modes, as well as his/her individual program. And, of course, it is necessary to use this knowledge on practice by acting out all four manipulation scenarios. In other words, it is possible to influence another person without having complete information about all of his manipulation modes, but the only way to make another person submit fully and gain full control over his behavior can be compared to a car with four wheels, which you will not be able to drive in the absence of even one wheel.
- -Why should I know dates of my manipulation modes?
- While studying the Catalog of Mountains and Seas (Shan Hai Jing), Andrey Davydov, who discovered in it the Catalog of human population, found out that each one of the three manipulation modes of a person is an individual program of some subtype of Homo sapiens. Therefore, it turned out that people within the same subtype are not just blood relatives (blood because we suppose that blood might be related to the “software” of a human), but it is also possible to say that they have very close kinship ties with other three subtypes (meaning, carriers of suppression, balance and stimulation modes of an individual). However, we will not go into the description of this rather complicated natural mechanism—the influence that people have on each other in time and space; we will just say that when a person knows the dates of his manipulation modes, he can find ideal partners for any type of relationship, any kind of activities and any kind of influence on his own psyche and physiology*. *More on this can be found in the book by A. Davydov and O. Skorbatyuk, which is titled Ideology Of Religion: Scientific Proof Of Existence Of "God"—The Catalog Of Human Population, as, in essence, this book is not about religion, but about the Catalog. Since the Catalog of human population (despite the fact that it can become an ideal basis, foundation for any of the existing religions) originally has nothing to do and cannot have anything to do with religion because it is the source of knowledge, and knowledge and faith are completely different things.
- -Why should I know manipulation modes of others, and why should I manipulate someone?
- Regardless of which social class people belong to, whether they like it or not, they are connected with other people. A lion’s share of processes, in which a person participates, either way is contact with another person. Since any individual normally lives among other people, the problem of knowledge and understanding of another person is everyone’s urgent need. However, to date there is no source (besides the Catalog of Human Population) in civilization, from which a specific John could learn how to communicate with a specific Tom or Mary. And, not just communicate in some way, but to do it in that exact manner that John needs; and, not just get “whatever” from this communication, but strictly that what he personally needs. In an attempt to achieve this, John uses one method after another (as usual, designed “one for all”) until all methods are tried out, and something finally works at least to some extent. However, sometimes it is too late—the relationship is ruined, the contact is broken, and goals in regard to the opponent are not achieved. We think that the root of this problem is fundamental difference of internal characteristics of one person versus another, despite the external similarity, and sometimes even kinship. Since it is impossible to distinguish subtypes of Homo sapiens based on appearance—it is much easier to tell a rabbit from a donkey, despite the fact that both have long ears. And, that might have very unpleasant consequences. Since in nature when one tries to interact with a wild wolf as with a dog, with an eagle as with a dove, and with a venomous snake as with a worm—the consequences are always fatal. However, it is the same with people. Not knowing the person, with whom you come in contact, it is impossible to know what to expect from him/her and how to interact. Of course, unlike it is with animals, by interacting with another person inappropriately, in the physical sense you will not get bitten, scratched or torn into pieces. (Although sometimes this happens.) However, in psychological or, for example, financial sense—biting, scratching and tearing apart is not at all uncommon among people. Unfortunately, this type of “communication” occurs very, very often. As a result, after communicating with other people, a person very often has to “lick his wounds.” However, in this respect the situation has changed cardinally due to the scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population, which was made by Andrey Davydov. Now in order to make any kind of contact it is not necessary to gather information about a person from third parties or from other sources of information, there is no longer a need to use the well-known “scientific method of trial and error,” and so on. Any kind of contact (business, friendly, intimate, and so on) with any person is now done quite easily using other methods. In order to know what to expect, and what not to expect from a person, all that is needed is information about the individual program and manipulation modes of that person. Application of this kind of information guarantees establishment of any type of required communicative contact and with any required results. Any interaction can easily be modeled using information about another person from the Catalog of human population. And, as a result, any person can get that what he planned, that what he wants and needs from another person. The success of use of this technology is not affected by gender of the subject of interest, or by his/her age, educational level or professional affiliation, financial situation or belongingness to any social group. Information about another person from the Catalog of Human Souls allows anyone to have an ability to influence, make adjustments to behavior, plans, and objectives in relation to that person. Consider any of the problems, for example, within tandems “husband-wife” (“lovers”), “parent-child” that we can safely state are common in 99.9 percent out of 100. The root cause of any one of them is the same: lack of knowledge of another person, inability to properly communicate with him, and inability to influence him. These are, so to speak, the “three pillars,” upon which in this civilization all communication between one person and another stands. Only because of these “three pillars” parents at some point lose understanding of behavior of their children and control over their actions, and children are not able to “get through to parents,” to explain their needs, aspirations, life stance to them. Also, this is the only reason why at some stage men and women go in different directions and live separately—they are simply unable to neither find a person, with whom they would be happy, nor find a common language with a person, who for some reason they selected for family life or for other type of relationship. And so, they live apart, despite that both women and men, regardless of how old they are, do not want to be alone. They want to feel someone’s shoulder close to theirs, they want to be needed, loved, and wanted. To us, all problems listed above seem unworthy of wasting one’s breath on, as they are easily solvable by using information from the Catalog of human population: the so-called search for “the other half,” and mutual understanding, and love between parents and children or between a husband and a wife, and how to find a common language with another person, and how to be liked, and how to influence, and so on. So-called “ordinary people” can dream as much as they want that if he or she is not involved in something, from their point of view, serious and dangerous, they should not worry about their safety or preservation of their well-being. From our point of view, this is a very big delusion. We live in a civilization where each one of us, figuratively speaking, lives his whole life in the area of active combat operations. Regardless of whether he knows about it or not, notices or does not notice it. It is just that the scale of these combat operations (without quotes) is different for different people: for some it is the process of conquest of economic and political influence over entire regions, and for some it is fighting over, figuratively speaking, a rusty frying pan. It so happened that in this society that in any type of relationship between people—actions against each other cannot be classified in any other way except by the word ‘war’: in business areas, in so-called “friendship,” and even in families. And, in reality it is very difficult not to notice this fact. As a rule, it is not that people do not notice it, but they just do not want to think about it, hoping that their games of peaceful life with each other, their false assurances of friendship and love will protect them from an attack. No, they will not protect. And, it should be noted that consequences of participation in such combat operations are just the same for a major politician as they are for an ordinary, simple citizen—pain, psychological, physical, financial and other damages, etc., up to physical destruction. War is war. Hence, the joke: “How do you feel, Joe?” – “Thank you, not well at all!” Life at war is difficult and it is even more difficult to survive. However, hiding in fantasies is not just pointless, but extremely dangerous. The whole question is not in ambition since we faced the fact that ambitions of so-called “ordinary people” sometimes can be truly exorbitant, but in that what a person is capable of (himself, him personally); in what information he has, what he knows how to do, how he does it and does he do anything at all. Since sometimes people behave quite strangely; for example: they complain, get offended, upset, when someone reaches any success or surpasses them in their personal qualities in reality. These people are so used to being great and mighty in their fantasies that any encounter with real facts, which confirm that they are really not, make them very depressed and they feel hate towards other people. From our perspective, sometimes this reminds of a situation with a dog, which lazily wiggles its tail all day in anticipation of getting fed and petted, or sleeps, pretending that it protects the house during the breaks, and with the return of the master after a hard day of work is puzzled and upset after getting only bones off of a piece of meat. Yes, usually no one physically destroys so-called “ordinary people” for their mistakes in communication, for misunderstanding and miscalculation of a situation, as it happens with, for example, politicians, officials, business leaders, etc. However, no one is immune to psychological destruction by another person or a group of people, which, as it is known, is followed by either physical destruction or, more commonly, physical self-destruction because psyche is primary. Usually this does not get taken into account right away, and when something happens it is usually too late to do anything about it—you, so to speak, got eaten. This society is a jungle, Ngorongoro, where predators hide behind masks of innocent white sheep.
- -Why natural human manipulation modes are the only alternative to violence? And, what about manipulation ethics?
- From our point of view, manipulation modes of a human were created by nature as the only way of effective, constructive, non-deforming, and secure communication. Based on that application of natural manipulation modes in communication with any person always exceptionally favorable affects his psychophysiology (and not on the basis of the meanings of what manipulation is usually considered)—these modes were named manipulation modes. Contrary to the belief, which is popular both in psychology and in everyday life that manipulation is always a process with a negative connotation, we consider manipulation based on other meanings from dictionaries. We consider manipulation to be any purposeful action with a subject (refer to a dictionary). From our perspective, communicative impact that leads to actualization of quite specific motivational states in a subject, and makes him behave in a certain way, should not necessarily be beneficial to the manipulator and not beneficial to the subject of manipulation. From our point of view, this directly depends on ethical and moral qualities of a person applying manipulation modes towards another person. Just like a knife cannot be regarded only as a murder weapon. A knife as a tool can also be used for cooking, as a scalpel in the hands of a surgeon, and so forth. Of course, being very powerful, this purely natural mechanism can be used by some to have the other person submit, in order to use him for some purposes. Indeed, when personal manipulation modes are applied to a human, he or she forms a complete willingness to do anything for the manipulator. However, we consider use of natural manipulation modes with immoral goals—inhumane, immoral, and contrary to nature. Whether someone likes the fact that any person has a natural mechanism called “manipulation modes” or not—it exists anyway. And, the important thing is that this is how nature arranged it. Therefore, in the absence of the Catalog of human population it is, of course, possible to continue to treat Homo sapiens like an animal, while discussing humanism, goodness, morality and other things unrelated to this process. This is widely practiced in this society. Consider a method that in the case of animals is called training, and in the case of a human for some reason is referred to by different words: upbringing, re-education, etc. Zoopsychologists are very well familiar with this method as the “method of positive and negative reinforcement;” animals are trained using with method. However, unlike subtype programs of animals, in which only instincts and primitive reflexes are recorded, human programs consist of much more than that. From our point of view, Pavlov’s (a Russian researcher, who was involved in elaboration of certain reflexes in dogs) method that has become popular worldwide should not be practically the only available method of influence on a human being in the XXI century. Influence of a human must be based on more complex principles than induction of salivation. Our studies have shown that human manipulation modes are a subtype’s peculiar language. If a person is not spoken to in this “language,” then he practically does not hear his interlocutor, does not want to understand him, does not accept or simply rejects him. Our research of Shan Hai Jing showed a firm link between this “subtype language” and individual subtype program, meaning—human soul. Therefore, knowledge and use of natural “language of the soul,” meaning manipulation modes of a person, allows to not degrade him by treating him like an animal. And, this makes the use of violence against a person in order to motivate him to some actions or psychophysiological states unnecessary. A human does not need to be forced, it is not necessary to demand something from him—all that is necessary is to communicate with him using his "subtype language," which is the language of his natural program and manipulation modes.