- -Why know the natural individual (subtype) program of a human?
- Characteristics of species and subspecies of animals and plants, which are different by nature, make it possible to classify and describe them in encyclopedias. This, in turn, allows a person to obtain information about a certain natural object or phenomenon from encyclopedias, reference books and other catalogs. For example, from catalogs of animals—it is possible to learn the natural qualities of each of them, how they look, how they live, what they eat, how they reproduce, etc. Prior to creation of such catalogs, a human had to learn this "on his own skin." Encyclopedias (catalogs), which describe the world of nature, relieved people from having to learn on their own that some animals can damage or even kill, that plants can be very poisonous, and that water in nature is not only a brook or a calmly flowing river, but also vertiginous currents, swamps that suck in deep, huge ocean waves, floods, etc. Without an encyclopedia, from which it is possible to easily find out about any person, the same thing happens to those, who without having knowledge about the true nature of their fellow biological species try to come into contact with them. People's lives are full of troubles, dangers and damages because they do not know qualities and functionalities of people with whom they communicate. After all, as it turned out, human natural programs are a mix of properties of real objects of nature: animals, plants, mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, swamps, streams, rocks, minerals, soils, metals, and much more. And, among them there are not only peaceful rabbits or sparrows, but also tigers, wild boars, poisonous snakes or insects; not only quiet rivers and lakes, but also rapidly flowing streams; not only carps, but piranhas and sharks; not only buttercups and daisies, but plants, like, for example, manchineel or Cerberus. And, for example, without knowledge of natural properties of manchineel, if a person hides under its branches from the rain—drops with mixed-in poisonous milky sap will fall from the tree onto that person, and he will become covered with blisters from head to toe. Therefore, without the Catalog of human population every person has a lot of problems throughout life. These problems never end because he is always among people. And, people in this civilization do everything to hide their true qualities of personality, their natural functionalities behind numerous cover ups and masks. Under the guise of a white lamb or a beautiful flower can hide anyone and anything. As a result, figuratively speaking, a person without knowledge of individual (subtype) programs of other people, first steps on the tail of a poisonous snake and it bites him, then gets sucked into a swamp, then a rock hits him on the head, then he gets ripped by poisonous thorns, then he finds himself in a tornado zone or even paws of a tiger. For a long time Homo sapiens remained one of the few biological objects, which was not arranged systematically by subtype structures in an encyclopedia. Of course, some encyclopedias about a human existed, for example, anatomical atlases. However, one could not get information about what this or that person is like, let alone how to come into contact, interact with him. But now the biological type "human" is classified due to that researcher-sinologist A. Davydov discovered detailed descriptions of 293 human subtypes in the ancient manuscript titled Shan Hai Jing, which is why this book was named the Catalog of human population. The Catalog of human population is an encyclopedia of Homo sapiens, from which it is possible to obtain detailed descriptions of people. From this directory one can easily find out the natural individual (subtype) program of any of over 7 billion people living on planet Earth. Consideration of each person as a representative of one of the subtypes allows to find out any information about him/her using minimal form data, only by the date of his/her birth. This is very convenient. The Catalog of human population allows to obtain any information about a person on all six factors: what this person is like in the intellectual sphere, how he/she thinks, at what rate and in which algorithms, what his/her interests are, etc.; what, when, where and how he/she eats; what are his/her physical parameters, abilities, etc.; what emotional manifestations are normal for him/her, how powerful they are, how and in which situations he/she expresses emotions, etc.; what are his/her sexual preferences, sexual potential, how it gets expressed, in what forms, with which partners, under what conditions and algorithms, etc.; in what geographical area, type of housing, interior, conditions he/she prefers to live; what his/her natural talents are, how they can be realized (including professional activity, although not necessarily); how he/she communicates with others, on what bases, what he/she seeks, by which methods, and what other people should be fearful of with him/her; and so on. To know the natural individual (subtype) program of a person means to know all his/her hidden "motivational springs," personality traits, life algorithms, functions, abilities, habits, and predilections; including everything that an individual usually carefully hides from others. This knowledge fully reveals the true nature of a person (which is usually hidden behind numerous masks), giving a complete picture of who he or she is—real, "without embellishments." In order to make contact with another person and turn it in the needed direction, it is necessary to understand exactly who your opponent is: how he/she will act, what and how he/she will say, what he/she will seek, and so on. To know all this, it is no longer necessary to meet up with this person, to observe him, to try to learn something about him from someone, to provoke some actions, to study his reactions, and so on. There is no longer a need to be in any situation with a person in order to know exactly what to expect from him (what actions, what reactions, what decisions) and what to be cautious of with him. It is enough to simply read the description of a person in the Catalog of human population. It is possible to read any type of information about any person in Catalog of human population. It is just as easy as learning, for example, about dogs from a reference book about dogs. And, this is at a minimum because the Catalog of human population also contains information about how to make a person absolutely controllable from the outside, about how he should "grow," meaning—gradually develop, self-perfect, etc.
- -What is the natural individual (subtype) program of Homo sapiens?
- Individual (subtype) program of Homo sapiens is a program, based on which a person lives. He is unable to go beyond it. A program "starts up" and begins to work at the time of birth; to be more precise, at the time of cutting of the umbilical cord. Individual program of a person is a program of one of 293 human subtypes. Therefore, we use the term "individual (subtype) program." The program of each subtype differs from programs of all other subtypes. An individual (subtype) program is recorded in human unconscious by the language of natural images (archetypes). Archetypes are a proto-language. Unconscious of Homo sapiens "speaks" this language and human psychophysiology "understands" only this language. One human program can contain about 20 or over 100 natural images. Individual programs of human subtypes are recorded by different quantities of images, but no subtype has any advantages over other subtypes—all have equal potential and survival rate. Each individual (subtype) program consists of two parts "active" and "passive." Each individual (subtype) program is described in the Catalog of Human Population on six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual, and environmental. Appearance of people with various subtype programs is connected with natural phenological cycles. Therefore, it is necessary to know the day, month, and year of birth of a person in order to find his description in Shan Hai Jing.
- -How an individual (subtype) program of a person is connected with his/her date of birth?
- It is necessary to know the day, month and year of birth of a person in order to find his/her description in the Catalog of human population. However, we have to disappoint astrology and numerology fans, as this is not related to influence of planets and stars, or "magic of numbers." This is related to natural phenological cycles. For those who are not familiar with the science called "phenology"—in a nutshell, it is a system of knowledge and sets of information about seasonal phenomena of nature, time periods of their occurrences and reasons that define these periods, as well as the science of space-time laws of cyclical changes of natural objects and their complexes, associated with annual movement of the Earth around the Sun. In nature, absolutely all bio-forms (plants, animals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles, etc.) appear during their time periods. Scientists have recorded this fact a long time ago. At the beginning of the last century, a German zoologist Alfred Brehm has demonstrated that each type of living organism appears on earth during a specific time period. For example, rabbits are born in late April-early May, deer—in May-June, seals—in March, and so on. "…And the stork in the heaven knoweth the appointed times, and the turtle, and the swallow and the crane observe the time of their coming…" (Jeremiah 8:7) A human, as part of the earth’s ecosystem, as part of nature is subject to the same laws as all other natural objects; therefore, if at certain specific time periods creatures, which we call “a cow”, “an eagle” or “a hippopotamus” are born, then exactly the same rule applies to a human. Using scientific terminology, Homo sapiens is programmed bio-form, anthropo-zoomorphic being, individual (subtype) archetypal pattern of which depends on phenological cycling of a geographical area. Appearance of subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens is connected with natural phenological cycles, and specifically for this reason, classification of subtypes in the Catalog of human population is recorded according to the date of birth. Andrey Davydov—the author of the discovery of the Catalog of human population in the ancient Chinese manuscript Shan Hai Jing, and the author of creation of the technology of decryption of this ancient book—put together a schedule of appearance of subtype structures of type human, and this schedule is copyrighted.
- -How 293 individual subtype programs are distributed if there are 365 or 366 (leap years) days in a year?
- Despite the fact that birth of a particular subtype structure is firmly connected to the date of birth, in the case of research of the ancient manuscript Shan Hai Jing (which turned out to be the Catalog of human population) things are not as simple as they are in astrology. At least because there are 365 days in a year (or 366 in leap year), while there are 293 subtype structures of Homo sapiens described in the Book of Mountains and Seas. However, this problem has long been solved by Andrey Davydov—the author of the scientific discovery of the Catalog. However, many of those who learn about the Catalog are concerned about the question of how 293 individual subtype programs are distributed if there are 365 or 366 (leap years) days in a year. We uncovered that some subtype programs are reproduced a few days in a row. However, this does not mean that people born in this period are absolutely the same because manipulation modes of these individual programs are often completely different. Therefore, to put it in simple terms, these people are not like each other one hundred percent, but they do share the same subtype program—meaning, individual qualities and algorithms.
- -When does a human subtype program turn on?
- “Hour X,” as time of birth of a human, starts up his individual (subtype) program. The “soul” begins to work, and a human—to live. And, he will live while his soul, in other words—his subtype program as a mechanism works in his body, and works on all six factors: intellect, physiology, nutrition, emotions, sexual factor and environmental factor. If the work of one of these factors stops, then breakage of other factors will follow: fast, as in the case of, for example, physical and nutritional factors (starvation, disease), or slow, as, for example, in the case of sexual, emotional or intellectual factors. It does not matter how a person was born, whether in a natural way or, for example, with the use of cesarean section. Individual subtype program starts working at the moment of cutting of the umbilical cord. It does not matter when a person was conceived, how long the pregnancy lasted, and so on. The only important moment is the time of detachment of his body from the body of his mother in the form of cutting of the umbilical cord because that is the moment when the individual (subtype) program begins to work. There is a supposition (although, we have not studied this issue within interdisciplinary research) that subtype programs of Homo sapiens is the record that human DNA contains. It is very likely that every human embryo initially contains a record of all 293 subtype structures, along with manipulation modes for each one of them and a record of passage through these stages of personal (subtype) evolution of an individual, which are also programmed and are described in Shan Hai Jing. This is a huge array of information. However, at the moment of birth only one of the subtype structures is activated, and all other records remain unactivated. Once again, unlike everything else presented here, this is only a hypothesis.
- -Is it necessary to know the time of birth besides the day, month and year of birth of a person in order to find his/her description in the Catalog of human population?
- This information is required only when there is data that a person was born close to midnight—half an hour before midnight, or within half an hour after midnight. In this case, special technology is used to determine where the description of this person is located in the Catalog of Mountains and Seas. As for the time of birth within one 24 hour period—this factor does not matter for finding a description of a person in the Catalog of human population.
- -Why is it necessary to have accurate information about the year of birth of a person?
- It is very important to know the year of birth of a person in order to get information about him/her from the Catalog of human population. It is important to know the year for one reason only: to understand whether it is a leap year or a common year. Since in most cases if two people were born on the same day, but one of them was born in a common year and the other was born in a leap years, then they are representatives of different human subtypes. Therefore, they have different individual (subtype) programs and manipulations modes. In this case, they have completely different qualities, characteristics and functions, they lead different lifestyles. Of course, coincidences do happen because the ancient treatise Shan Hai Jing contains 293 descriptions of human programs and, as it is known, there are 365 days in a year. However, in order to use this information, it is necessary to know exactly which programs are reproduced multiples times. Therefore, without having knowledge of the exact year of birth of the person of interest—accurate information from the Catalog of human population about this person cannot be obtained. However, this is not a problem because in the modern world it is very easy to get information about when a person was born. Usually, it does not even cross a person’s mind to hide this kind of information about himself. Also, it is easy to find it in public records, profiles in social networks, documents, forms, and so on.
- -What are “Active” and “Passive” of an individual (subtype) program of a person?
- As it turned out, any natural program of Homo sapiens, regardless of subtype, consists of two parts. The author of this scientific discovery, researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov named these parts "Active" and "Passive." The "Active" part of a human program is responsible for the period of a person’s activity. It is a period of real actions, but also a period of active energy and strength expenditure. Therefore, every person requires rest from time to time, and not only in the form of sleep, but also in the form of some type of activity. Not for nothing there exists a saying: "The best rest is change of activity." Human activities from the "Passive" part of his individual program do not take away strength, but rather help a person accumulate it, turn on regeneration processes in him. Not knowing about the existence of this natural mechanism, which is built into every human, people are often frightened of that two different personalities are always present in others or in themselves all the time. The diagnosis known as "dissociative identity disorder" does not require any treatment, if we do not consider clinical cases in the field of psychiatry when, using the language of Non-traditional Psychoanalysis, a serious malfunction of the individual (subtype) program occurs. “Active” and “Passive,” to put it very raspingly and primitively—are like two different human characters because each part of the human program is recorded by different images, which give a different character, style of actions of a person, and algorithms of his life. In practice, this manifests in the so-called duality of any person. For example: Mr. N is quiet and harmless at work, but at home he is active, loud, and despotic; a different Mr. N uses his intellect at work as an analyst, and during the time of rest chooses physical exercise and, as they say, “does not use his head at all;” some other Mr. N behaves as a leader in communication with several people, but when he is with only one other person—he completely subjects to another’s will; and so on and so forth. There are many examples, but the main thing here is that every person (a man or a woman) is “dual” by nature, double-natured. This “duality” is necessary because one cannot be passively recovering while simultaneously actively spending himself. Existence of separation of individual (subtype) programs into "Active" and "Passive," in our view, can be explained by the fact that sometimes twins have different characters, habits, functionality, qualities of personality. Without getting into details, we will just say that according to our observations, in some cases twins can share a single subtype program; meaning that one lives according to the “Active” part of the program, and the other on the basis of the “Passive.” We do not know yet why this happens, more research needs to be done on this, but this fact is the reason twins differ in their personal qualities, characters, algorithms and so on, even though both twins belong to the same subtype.
- -What are “six factors of a human?”
- In the Catalog of human population, which is compiled on the basis of decryption of the ancient manuscript Shan Hai Jing, all information about a person consists of a general description of an individual and a description of his qualities and functioning on six factors. Classification by six factors, which are fundamentally different from each other, is a system created by researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov to describe functioning of human subtypes during compilation of the Catalog of human population. Since at a certain point he was faced with a problem: how to structure information obtained from the ancient source about a particular subtype in descriptions of psychophysiological diapason of a subtype? Data obtained from the ancient text contained very diverse information about a human: how representatives of a particular human subtype think, data about their nutritional or environmental diapason, sexual peculiarities, and so on. In fields that are traditionally related to a human (for example, in medicine) no systems were found, according to which to would be possible to distribute information obtained from Shan Hai Jing. It was necessary to create a classification, which would encompass human life activity in general. To solve this problem, Andrey Davydov identified six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual, and environmental. And, as it is easy to notice, intellectual factor is only a part of human psyche, and not the most important one. Not to appear unfounded, we will provide an example. If there is certain influence on the physical factor of a human (for example, induction of a painful shock), or influence on the nutritional factor (for example, leaving a person without food or drink for a long time), or influence in a way that a person begins to experience a strong sexual arousal or a strong emotional stress—then, his intellectual factor will turn off, and he will function on the basis of instincts, reflexes, automated processes in his organism. Even a severe headache, as one of the states of the human physical factor, can partially disable the intellect, meaning that a person’s thought process will be quite unproductive. Therefore, it was concluded that the intellectual factor is only one of six factors of human psychophysiology.
- -Why six factors, and not more?
- Number of factors to describe primary programs could not be expanded, supplemented by some other factor. Despite a common misconception that at the first level of development Homo sapiens has so-called "spirituality"—information from the ancient text did not confirm this. The appearance of the factor of "spirituality" in humans is a separate topic.
- -What is the difference between a woman’s and a man’s natural program within one subtype?
- Men and women within one human subtype differ from each other in the same way as females and males within one subspecies of, for example, animals. They have identical personal characteristics, psychophysiological algorithms, lifestyle, and functionality. Some differences might be present in the sexual factor; for example, in attitudes towards offspring. In nature, females of some species of animals care for their offspring without participation of males; females make males leave their offspring; not only males, but also females of some species do not engage in caring for their offspring at all; or, for example, a male and a female of some types of birds engage in upbringing of their nestlings together and distribute parenting duties equally. However, as mentioned above, these differences are not fundamental.