- -What do researchers of 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) decrypt in order to obtain information about a particular person from this ancient manuscript?
- As it was found by researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov, the author of the scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population, any kind of information about any representatives of the biological type Homo sapiens, who lived in the past, live today, or will live in the future is encrypted in archaic images* of one of the most ancient manuscripts 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas). The researcher also found that in order to decrypt the information from this book, it is necessary to decode hieroglyphs using special technology. Andrey Davydov created the technology to decrypt images of human programs and manipulation modes from Shan Hai Jing in the early 80s of the XX century. Some of the hieroglyphs in Shan Hai Jing (Book of Mountains and Seas) are so ancient that they are hard to find in modern dictionaries. This ancient source, which, as Andrey Davydov discovered, preserved knowledge of functioning of a human and his psyche for many thousands of years**, contains a huge number of hieroglyphs. For example, there are over fifteen thousand hieroglyphs just in the first section of the book titled the Catalog of the Mountains, which consists of five parts out of existing eighteen. And, behind each one of these hieroglyphs (of course, excluding conjunctions, prepositions, and parts of speech that do not carry semantic meanings) is some archaic image, or, using the language of psychology—an archetype. However, when discussing archetypes, the following must be noted right away. The word ‘archetype’, introduced to psychology by C. G. Jung***, refers to so-called "archetypes of the collective unconscious," i.e., collective archetypes, while in the case of archetypes contained in the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas) we are discussing individual archetypes****. Archetypes in Jungian analytical psychology, along with instincts, are inborn psychical structures located in the depths of "the collective unconscious," whereas archetypes listed in the Catalog of Mountains and Seas are a peculiar matrix, an imprint*****, recorded inside an individual, in his personal, individual unconscious. And, these archetypes do not in any way relate to "the collective unconscious." In understanding of followers of Jungian direction in psychology, specificity of archetypes as psychical contents is that they carry properties of all humanity as something whole. However, archetypes, as images of human’s natural programs and manipulation modes from the ancient book 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), which is being decrypted by developers of the Catalog of human population, carry properties of only one of 293 subtypes of Homo sapiens, not of all humanity. In conclusion, it should be noted that an archetype in that sense of the word, in which it is present in the culture of this civilization in general and in psychology in particular******, significantly differs in essence from the archetypes, by which human "software" is recorded, and by which, as researcher of 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) Andrey Davydov found, all information in psyche of Homo sapiens is recorded. All this combined differs very significantly from the existing understanding and interpretations of the word ‘archetype’, including from Jungian analytical psychology. Therefore, despite that in both cases the word ‘archetype’ means preimage (prototype), when it comes to the language of human "software" recorded in the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), we prefer to use the word ‘image’ rather than ‘archetype’ in order to avoid misinterpretation. We use the word ‘archetype’ mainly in scientific articles and in definitions of Non-traditional Psychoanalysis (a new scientific direction in psychology, which is based solely on decryption of Shan Hai Jing) in order to show that we are discussing a preimage, a prototype, as the fundamental principle of existence and functioning of Homo sapiens. Since images in the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), which turned out to be the source of detailed descriptions of psychophysiological structure and functioning of 293 subtypes of biological type Homo sapiens, are archetypes as a fundamental principle, based on which any specific individual exists—these images (archetypes) are being decrypted by the founders of Non-traditional Psychoanalysis—Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk—in order to create descriptions of subtype structures of Homo sapiens, while compiling the Catalog of human population. * Archaic, archaistic (from the ancient Greek ἀρχαῖος – "ancient") means original, initial, from the beginning; C. G. Jung defined it as "ancient character of psychical contents and functions." It is considered that the quality of an image is archaic when the image has doubtless mythological parallels. ** Exact dating of the manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas) is still not determined, but some researchers date this ancient monument XXI-XX century BC. *** Archetype (from the Greek arche – the beginning, and typos – an image) means preimage, an original image, an idea. In analytical psychology, founded by Carl Gustav Jung, an archetype means universal inborn psychical structures that make up contents of the collective unconscious. "That what we call instincts is a physiological motivation and is perceived by the senses. However, at the same time instincts manifest themselves in fantasies and often reveal their presence only by symbolic images. I called these manifestations—archetypes." (Archetype and Symbol by C. G. Jung (Renaissance, 1991).) **** From Carl Gustav Jung’s Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to Individual Archetypal Patterns by A. Davydov and O. Skorbatyuk (HPA Press, 2014). ***** ἀρχή "the beginning" + τύπος "impact, footprint, imprint", ἀρχέτυπον — preimage, ἀρχέτυπος "initial, original." ****** For example, it is considered that archetypes are inborn conditions of intuition, i.e., those components of all experience, primeval forms of comprehension of the outside world, timeless schemes or bases, according to which thoughts and feelings of all humanity generate, and which originally include all the richness of mythological themes or collective sediment of historical past that is stored in people’s memory and makes up something common, immanently inherent to the human race and so on.
- -How does the technology of obtaining information about the unconscious sphere of an individual, practiced in Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis that is based on decryption of images (archetypes) from 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), differ from other psychodiagnostic methods?
- Technology of decryption of archaic images, by which information in the psyche of Homo sapiens is recorded, was created by researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov (the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population) in the early 80s of the XX century. This technology finally made it possible to obtain objective, complete and reliable information from the unconscious sphere of Homo sapiens. It is very different from all preexisting and currently used psychodiagnostic methods and technologies of penetration into the unconscious sphere of a person in results that a researcher obtains. Since results of decryption of 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) have nothing to do with manifestations of anyone's subjectivity, fantasies, assumptions. The technology of obtaining information from the unconscious sphere of Homo sapiens, which was created by A. Davydov, completely excludes any inclusion of subjective interpretations, and, in essence, is a dry translation from the language of archaic images from the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas) into the language of modern psychological description of an individual. This technology provides objective and very detailed information about any individual of interest: what are the qualities and properties of his personality, his life algorithms, functioning, abilities, desires and goals, hidden motivational springs, etc. This became possible only because archaic images listed in 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas) are that foundation, cornerstone, on the basis of which Homo sapiens was created and functions. By finding out with what images (individual archetypes) the natural program and manipulation modes of a person are recorded in the ancient source 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) and by decrypting hieroglyphics, by which these images are recorded, developers of the Catalog of human population—A. Davydov and O. Skorbatyuk—have a possibility to learn how any person of interest is arranged and functions. Moreover, archaic images from this ancient source, which turned out to be the Catalog of human population, reveal not only how exactly a person will present himself to others, but also that what is behind his regular self-presentation: hidden motives, desires and objectives, about which an individual usually does not reveal anything to anyone, etc. These true motives, desires and goals are sometimes hidden by an individual even from his own self. And, more often he is not conscious of them at all. In essence, decryption of hieroglyphs from the ancient source 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) provides access to contents of that part of human psyche, about which not only other people, but the individual himself has no idea. An individual is unable to control this kind of psychical manifestations and is unable to correct them—he simply acts on their basis, automatically. And, no Homo sapiens is able to act otherwise because these psychical manifestations, which are recorded by images in his unconscious, is "software" that is built into him from birth, which he, as a bio-robot, is unable to bypass (at least, without damaging his psychophysiology). The true causes of his actions or psychophysiological states that are implanted specifically in archaic images (archetypes), by which his natural program and manipulation modes are recorded, an individual is unable to explain, for example, to a psychologist. And, based on external manifestations of functioning of a particular image (archetype)—it is not possible in principle to uncover and understand to what image of the program of the unconscious sphere of an individual these manifestations relate. Probably, this is the root cause of problems of any one of psychodiagnostic methods that exist today in psychology, which do not use information from the Catalog of human population. All these problems are easily solvable with the help of decryption of hieroglyphics from the ancient source 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), which turned out to be the Catalog that describes subtypes of biological type Homo sapiens. It is important to note that the technology of decryption of images of human’s natural programs and manipulation modes that are recorded in 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas) opens up access to the unconscious sphere of any one of over 7 billion Homo sapiens living on planet Earth. Since physiological properties of a particular human subtype, which are implanted in him from birth through images (archetypes) in his unconscious, are not changed by that an individual belongs to a particular race, nationality, and do not depend on place of his birth and residence, and similar factors, which are only insignificant correctors that do not change the essence of archetypal images implanted in his psyche.
- -What is the carrier of imagery information, by which all qualities, functions, abilities of a person, in short—his whole life is recorded?
- As it was found by Andrey Davydov, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population, psyche is the carrier (or, using computer terms—"a hard drive"), where all information about a particular representative of the biological type Homo sapiens is recorded from birth. Of course, scientists have long supposed that psyche is the carrier of some important information about a human. In the last century C. G. Jung (a student of the founder of psychoanalysis—Sigmund Freud) stated: "Immensely ancient psychical beginning forms the basis of our mind, just as the structure of our body goes back to the general anatomical structure of mammals."* However, all those who justly considered that psyche is primary and lies at the basis of all life activity of an individual did not state that it is the space where such information about Homo sapiens as his natural subtype program and personal manipulation modes are recorded from birth. In reality, it turned out that no human child is born "a tabula rasa" ("a blank slate"), i.e., empty, without a program of life activity implanted in his psyche. Another confirmation that the carrier of all information about a person is his psyche is a huge amount of factual material in psychiatric clinics. There are documented cases in psychiatry when it was noted that a patient showed a significant change in his behavior cases when the primary "record" was erased due to some reasons, but a person remained alive. Lack of mental functioning allowed patients to look like humans, but nothing human was observed in their behavior anymore. If we consider psyche from the point of view of its already long-held division in psychology into the part available for conscious perception by an individual ("consciousness") and the part that is not possible to consciously realize ("unconscious"), then it is clear that human "software" in the form of natural subtype programs and manipulation modes is implanted in the unconscious. Since, as many years of research have shown, natural subtype program of an individual and his reactions to his personal natural manipulation modes take place at the level of instincts, unconditioned reflexes, and without use of special methods can be consciously realized only in part, only by a few percent. * Archetype and Symbol by C. G. Jung (Renaissance, 1991)
- -In what language is information about natural “software” of Homo sapiens recorded?
- As it was found by researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov (the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population), recording of psychophysiological algorithm of Homo sapiens, on the basis of which human activity builds and happens on six factors (intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual and environmental), occurs in the psyche; this recording is made by archetypal images, and the order of recording of subtype characteristics depends on phenological cycles*. In the mid-70s of XX century Andrey Davydov began to study the mysterious ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas) and found that this book is the richest collection of archaic images. Other ancient sources, which he researched, also contain images, but the Catalog of Mountains and Seas is an undeniable leader by concentration of images per page of text, and their number exceeds all limits of imagination. Despite that the abundance of images in any source is considered by many researchers as a primitive ancient mythological perception of the ancients about themselves and about the world, Andrey Davydov decided to look at it differently. He was not of the opinion that the ancient people were more foolish and naïve than modern, and thought that it was unlikely that they would engage in such an unserious and useless act as creation and recording images of fantastic animals, which have never existed even as myths, in a written source. After all, in order to do this, they would have to put in a lot of work and mental efforts, whereas in order to get food our ancestors had to work hard day and night under harsh conditions. Researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov suggested that archaic images from 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas) contain not only some very important information, but contain information about a human and his arrangement; and, first of all, about the most mysterious, the most unknown constituent of Homo sapiens—his psyche, soul. Being familiar with research of psychologists, who argue that the archaic layer of the psyche is the unconscious, where "live" archetypes as preimages (prototypes) of any kind of human behavior and state, the researcher attempted to uncover the mechanism of "input" of ancient archetypal information into the unconscious. Since such a record contains all information about an individual, including the smallest details, according to calculations of the researcher—it must be sufficiently volumetric. Therefore, there was a peculiar kind of archiving, that is— compression of information to an acceptable volume and form. In the works of theologians, philosophers, philologists and other scholars, there were views expressed about an image as a certain formula, by which information is transmitted without change, complete, and the creation of any image—one of the highest achievements of a human, as an impress of his understanding of principles of creation of the world. However, upon receipt of an image (or images) it is necessary to decrypt it into speech, text, dance, into action, which by the volume of decrypted material exceeds the graphical volume of the image itself. Analogous to such a process are electronic data carriers**, where the volume of information is much greater than the volume of the carrier. Since an image as a hologram (meaning—a volumetric image), carries information compendiously, multidimentionally in space and outside of time, Andrey Davydov suggested that it is an image that is most suitable for such a recording. A child’s consciousness (soul, unconscious) records a dynamic picture of the surrounding world through mythological images, as a universal variant for understanding, and as the most capacious process of recording in mythical images, where the given element is holographically volumetric for consideration when it is necessary to turn to, as a kind of cheatsheet, and "return to himself," natural. However, if each person has the possibility to "return" to himself, it is difficult to suggest that the entire population of the Earth has the same recording, equal to a recording of one person. Therefore, our remote ancestors or creators could be so careful that they recorded fundamentally important points, saved them in some encyclopedia, directory, catalog. So that if someone forgot something, or is simply interested to know other people’s "recordings," he would "turn the pages," refresh his memory, and satisfy his curiosity. To all appearances, such an archive could be mythological, displaying all metamorphoses of a human and nature on the whole. From this, Andrey Davydov suggested that the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) is that catalog—the catalog, in which images of all models of psyche of Homo sapiens that exist in nature are recorded***. The process of exploration of this question took over decade, included a lot of research in various fields of scientific knowledge and experiments. In the end, Andrey Davydov’s suggestions were fully confirmed: the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas) indeed turned out to be the description of structure of psyche of Homo sapiens, and strange, sometimes fantastic images from Shan Hai Jing—that language, by which all information about an individual, as a representative of one of 293 human subtypes, is recorded in his unconscious. The ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas) was qualified as the Catalog of human population on the basis that this book is a preserved ordered system that in practice allows to uncover the structure of the unconscious, where the root system of all human motivations and any other human life activity is concentrated. And, the main proof was the fact that if it is known what images from 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) relate to a person of interest, as a representative of a particular subtype of Homo sapiens****, and there is knowledge of how to decrypt them, then it is possible to get a very detailed description of what psychophysiological properties this individual possesses, to learn how he lives in detail and what true motives lie behind his actions, as well as how his psychophysiological state and behavior can be controlled. * Phenology is a system of knowledge and sets of information about seasonal phenomena of nature, time periods of their occurrences and reasons that define these periods, as well as the science of space-time laws of cyclical changes of natural objects and their complexes, associated with annual movement of the Earth around the Sun. In nature, absolutely all bio-forms (plants, animals, birds, fish, insects, reptiles, etc.) appear during their time periods. Therefore, in order to find the description of a certain person in the Catalog of human population, it is necessary to know the day, month and year of his/her birth; and, this has nothing to do with neither astrology, nor numerology. ** In scientific monographs (end of XX—beginning of XXI centuries) Andrey Davydov compared this with magnetic carriers, such as a computer diskette or a laser disc. *** In the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas) Andrey Davydov found detailed descriptions of 293 archetypal structures of human psyche, which clearly indicated that the biological type “human” is divided into subtypes, each of which has a recording in the unconscious from birth about his own, unique archetypal pattern. **** The schedule of appearance of subtype structures of type human is copyrighted property of Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk—developers of the Catalog of human population.
- -What is the role of an image for a human and his psychophysiology from the standpoint of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis, as a new direction in scientific psychology?
- Fundamental research in the field of human psychophysiology that was carried out by Andrey Davydov, the author of discovery of the Catalog of human population, showed that an image is a pattern, a blueprint, based on which nature creates Homo sapiens; an image is the basis of all human life activities. However, even in the enlightened XXI century, unfortunately, few people know that the basis, the foundation of existence and functioning of any human being is specifically an image. Modern people even managed to make up a fairytale that a human thinks with words, despite that this contradicts logic and already elucidated scientific facts; for example, prior to emergence of any word in the human brain, first there is a representation of an object, phenomenon or action—that is, an image, a picture. First, a picture emerges in the human brain, then a short "video," and only then a person makes some actions, says some words, experiences some sensations or states. However, this process occurs at a great speed, and people do not manage to track it, but this does not change the essence. A thought, in essence is not related to words. And, it is not difficult to suggest that if Homo sapiens thought at the speed of their spoken words, then the speed of their thinking would not be any different from thinking of patients, who suffer from psychiatric illnesses. An image is the basis of any action or state of a person. However, something else is more important here: according to discoveries made by geneticists, audiovisual "packets" of information, which cells of the human body exchange with one another, contain images*. An image works at the cellular level. And, this means that a cell of a human organism executes orders of images unquestionably, without discussion. A human cell, figuratively speaking, is a soldier and executes the will of the image-general without contemplations, discussions, and even more so without arguing. An image is a very powerful mechanism, it, so to speak, "gets into the holy of holies"—the human soul—and sets its own rules there. Probably it is not without reason that in the ancient treatise Tao Te Ching, the author of which is the sage Lao Tzu, an image is put ahead of everything else. When translation of this book is done correctly, it is stated there that Tao (Dao) births an image, which precedes the Primogenitor and so forth. As Andrey Davydov found, the soul (psyche) of a human is the carrier of archetypal information, which defines the subtype structure of a human and, therefore, completely determines the work of his physiology. And, archetypes are images. In this connection, human psyche and body can be compared to characters from the famous work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau titled Pygmalion—Pygmalion and Galatea; where Pygmalion can be considered a psychophysiological algorithm and Galatea a body, which transforms depending on the creative potential of this algorithm. Pygmalion is psyche, as the carrier of the essence, and Galatea is physiology, space, as a field of action of archetypal essences. The mythological story of Pygmalion and Galatea was mentioned for a reason. As Andrey Davydov and his colleagues found, if the image of Pygmalion is taken as a principal mechanism of influence on material, including on bio-material, then natural structure of the soul influences human physiology like the analogous mythological character. Form as a whole, as well as individual parts of a human are "conductors" of his psyche, which with time get characteristics that correspond to psychical analogues. The latter, as it was found, are a set of various forms that exist in the natural environment. Results of many years of research done by Andrey Davydov showed that, if a myth is a psychical value**, and images are a connection of functional values that represent the entirety of a bio-form (human) and are peculiar formulas of psychophysiology of a human, then it makes sense to turn to 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), as the only classified, systematized source that is understandable at any level, including molecular. Research and experiments done by representatives of Non-traditional Psychoanalysis clearly showed*** that ancient times have left us a wonderful method for determining archetypal human programs in the form of this ancient manuscript, which turned out to be the Catalog of human population. Of course, this is a very brief summary of what an image is. However, it is easy to notice that results of many years of research of 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), which took place and is continuing by Andrey Davydov and his colleagues, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population, led to a deeper and fuller understanding of what an image is than how it is presented in psychological and philosophical dictionaries**** because such definitions do not describe the true essence of an image and its true significance for a human. * "...genetic code and genetic texts of living organisms are represented as image-semantic constructs of soliton type." P. P. Gariaev, Wave Genome, Moscow, 1994. ** "...myths are first of all psychical phenomena, which express the deep essence of the soul." C. G. Jung, Archetype and Symbol, Moscow, 1991. *** If it is known what images from 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) relate to a person of interest, as a representative of a particular subtype of Homo sapiens****, and there is knowledge of how to decrypt them, then it is possible to get a very detailed description of what psychophysiological properties this individual possesses, to learn how he lives in detail and what true motives lie behind his actions, as well as how his psychophysiological state and behavior can be controlled. **** For example: "An image is a real and ideal form of reflection of objects and phenomena of the material world in the human consciousness; an image on the sensory level of cognition-sensation, perception, notion at the level of thinking-understanding, judgments, conclusions. Material forms of realization of an image are practical actions, language, various symbolic models. By content, an image is objective to that extent, to which it adequately reflects an object." SES, Moscow, 1981, p. 920.
- -What is the relation between objects of natural environment that are listed in Shan Hai Jing (such as mountains, seas, rivers, lakes, creeks, streams, rain, wind, various plants, animals, minerals, soils) and human psyche?
- Natural archetypal images recorded in the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas), which was qualified as the Catalog of human population, are most directly related to human psyche—they are the language of "software" of Homo sapiens. Human psyche is like a peculiar conglomerate of natural analogues or their parts. Andrey Davydov, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population, managed to find out that from birth every person is a carrier of an individual set of archetypal images. The system of archetypal images holds quintessence of the functional diapason of nature, which provides analogues as existing bio-forms, and a human has an individual archetypal complex that is distributed according to phenological cycles and determines his subtype place. Modern psychology has already proven that from the moment of birth until the moment of maturation—psyche of each one of us absorbs from the environment everything that might be useful in the future. Parents pass on basic information to children and, being next to them, demonstrate how to use it. However, it is impossible to affect a child's thinking with pedagogical influences, holistic thinking of a child does not get implicated in pedagogical tricks, and so something gets taken in, and something does not. On the other hand, each person after being born in a specific geographical "pot" absorbs the areal of his environment—animals, birds, reptiles, plants—genetic and psychological. Researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov found that form as a whole, as well as individual parts of a human are peculiar "conductors," which manifest elements of his psyche. In the time parameters, it makes "conductors" acquire characteristics that correspond to psychical analogs or their segments in nature; in other words—representatives of the surrounding flora and fauna. In a sense, this is confirmed by results of studies presented by Stanislav Grof, where there are described cases of when people consciously reach states of consciousness, in which they self-identify with animals, plants, chimeras. These cases are well-known from ancient shamanic, yogic practices, as well as from modern research. An image carries in itself elements that are identical to natural. Any natural images (such as a mountain, а river, rocks, minerals, metals, animals, plants and so on), in addition to being universal in visual understanding by people of different linguistic belonging, are also indestructible. They existed, exist and will exist as long as planet Earth exists. Therefore, the language of images will be alive while nature exists on this planet. Uniqueness of natural images also consists in that processes, which are built into natural magnitudes, by their essence do not change over the centuries—plants, animals, rivers, lakes have the same processes now, as they had millions of years ago. As for artificial images (meaning—images, which were thought-up by people themselves)—not one of them influences and, in principle, cannot influence human psychophysiology in a way that any natural image does; and, they do not live through centuries. All artificial images are like mayflies: once there was King Kong or Tarzan, then Godzilla or Superman, and then Ironman or Shrek. Each one of such images "lives," on average, for several years or maximum a few decades, and then it is forgotten or gets driven out by new inventions of Homo sapiens. None of the images thought-up by people live for centuries, and all the more so billions of years, as it is the case with natural images. This is exactly the reason why, possibly during creation of Homo sapiens a natural image was put into the basis of his existence and functioning.
- -What is the difference between natural images and artificial images?
- There are many images present around us. Images are on every corner, simply everywhere. However, all images, which in this civilization are created by people—are artificial images, whereas information in human psyche is recorded exclusively by natural images. Natural and artificial images differ very significantly in terms of their influence on human psyche and physiology. To put it briefly, the main difference between natural and artificial images is in that natural images transmitted to a cell of a human organism give termless health, youth, life, while artificial—slowly kill. An image, as Andrey Davydov (the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population in the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing)) found out, really is the basis of all things, as the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu made it clear in his treatise titled Tao Te Ching. And, it is quite likely that instead of “In the beginning was the Word” the early Bible stated: “In the beginning was the Image.” After all, the Bible was translated from the Greek language, and in Greek philosophy ‘eidos’ (an image, a prototype, an archetype) does not occupy the last place. There are preserved stories about ancient priests, who, using a tool called “an image,” could manage not only any number of people, but nature itself. Modern "puppet masters" struggle to repeat this. However, without knowledge that priests had, "lords of human souls" are unable to go further than creation of most primitive artificial images. The secret of priests is very simple. Images can be natural and artificially created. And, images, as the basis of all things, refer to natural images and not in any way to ones thought-up by people. Also, "puppet masters" probably do not know that every single artificial image has a destructive influence on human psychophysiology, slowly kill him from the inside (and, its creators as well). Also, they probably do not know that in this civilization exists a book that is a collection of a huge number of natural images—this book is 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing). It would seem that this book could save "lords of human souls" from failure since natural images, as opposed to artificial that they invent, give real power over a human. However, it is not so. It is not enough to find out these images from 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing)—it is also necessary to have information to which person (which subtype) certain images relate to in the ancient manuscript, as well as to have information about how to work with these images*. Without having all of this information in a complex, the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) becomes absolutely useless, and unsuccessful experiments lead to enormous damage of psychophysiology of experimenters. * Tracking of transformation of natural forms into archetypal images and identification of patterns that allow uncovering of archetypal complexes that are implanted directly in the human soul are copyrighted.
- -“Natural images are etalon-carriers for a human”—what does this mean? And, how are images of a human program or a manipulation mode considered through natural analogues?
- During their time many inquisitive minds explored similarities and differences between humans and animals, and have not managed to find the cornerstone that allows to confidently state anything specific about this. In the end, they resorted to concepts of "soul" and "spirit," which, in their view, distinguish a human from an animal. However, for representatives of Non-traditional Psychoanalysis these conclusions seem either too premature and unconvincing or, for example, in regard to "spirit"—frankly erroneous. Fundamental research in the field of human psychophysiology, carried out by the author of discovery of the Catalog of human population—Andrey Davydov and his colleagues, showed that an image is an ancient formula, expressed by a natural bio-form. Natural images are etalon-carriers as examples of specific qualities present in a certain physical form. And, their functionality can be translated onto functionality of human psychophysiology. Human psyche as a whole is like a peculiar conglomerate consisting of separate assimilated forms and has the same diapason of actions as a natural analog or a part of an analog. It would be overhastily to assign only the role of food, incidental material, etc. to animals and plants since the development of civilization has a vector directed to consideration of various bio-forms as concomitant, without their consumption by a human. Since Andrey Davydov discovered that human psychophysiology has natural analogues, it was necessary to solve the problem of translation of these analogues onto purely human characteristics: character properties, life algorithms, and so on. This problem was successfully solved, and the evidence of this is veracity and exactness of psychological descriptions of human subtypes’ life activities, as a result of decryption of 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), which are created for the Catalog of human population. How are images considered through natural analogues? We think that this will be clearer through an example. Therefore, for example, to determine what psychophysiological qualities are inherent in a woman if one of the images of her individual program is a horse—it is necessary to study natural properties of this image. A horse (Lat. Equus) is an odd-toed ungulate animal, weighs up to 300 kilograms, it is polygamous, herbivorous, it lives on the plains, gallops with a maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour, etc. This information is then transferred onto a person on six factors, and as a result, we find out the following: - This woman thinks clearly and expresses her thoughts directly. - Since horses have a strict hierarchy of females, she is a pronounced leader. - By nature she has an athletic body, and, as a rule, it is well trained (or looks like it is, even if she does not train on purpose). - She has a moderate layer of fat. - She has a tendency to run, and she is not a sprinter, but a stayer. - She is inclined to have a variety of sexual partners, but at the same time she is a very jealous person. - Emotionally she is hot-tempered. - She expresses her emotions openly and unashamedly. - She is not a good homemaker at all—her home will be about as clean as a horse stall. And so on. However, this is only an example, and we demonstrated only a very small part of what just one image of a person’s program can uncover about a human as a carrier of a certain program. Since a human is not an animal that has only one image as the basis of functioning. As already mentioned, the number of images in some human programs might exceed one hundred, and each natural image is first of all considered in terms of its natural analog. However, it makes sense to mention that the method of analysis of each image of a human program or a manipulation mode through natural analogues is not the only method of obtaining psychological descriptions of a certain person. The main method is work with ancient hieroglyphs, by which these images are recorded in the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, Catalog of Mountains and Seas), which turned out to be the Catalog of human population. Hieroglyphics that are read using the technology of decryption, which was specially created by Andrey Davydov (the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population) gives by far more information about a program and manipulation modes of Homo sapiens than can be learned from all existing encyclopedias about nature. However, unfortunately, amateurs are strongly discouraged from attempts to independently decrypt hieroglyphics from 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), as this skill requires long-term learning and training under supervision of a specialist in the field of Non-traditional Psychoanalysis. Otherwise, attempts to decrypt hieroglyphs, by which human programs and manipulation modes are recorded in this ancient source, can lead to highly undesirable consequences, of which quite severe psychical and somatic illnesses can be regarded as the mildest.
- -If developers of the Catalog of Human Population state that Homo sapiens is an anthropo-zoomorphic being, bio-program of which is recorded by images of animals, then what is the difference between a human and an animal?
- As it was found by Andrey Davydov, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population, a human is not an evolved ape, as Darwinists state; Homo sapiens is a biological type that by its natural arrangement is not in any way related to neither monkeys, nor any other kind of animal. Since the basis, on which biological type "human" appears and functions is completely different. If we consider the structure of psyche of Homo sapiens, about which neither Darwin, nor the followers of theory of evolution known nothing, a human being is totally different from any animal. However, of course, in order to state this with confidence, it is necessary to know what human psyche is, how it is arranged and how it works; and, of course, on what basis. In short, everything that lies in the plane of value, which is unknown to anthropologists, psychologists, and so on, called psyche ("soul") of a human*. On the one hand, they define psyche as a systematic property of highly organized matter that manifests in a particular reflection of objective reality by a subject**, i.e., they consider it as a system; while, on the other hand, there was not a single scientific source found that would state that human soul is a system, which is one hundred percent identifiable. However, in general, psychologists’ approach to human soul can be considered correct—it is indeed possible to understand the construct of the soul when considering it as a system. As Sima Qian (II-I centuries BC), the creator of Chinese historical science, stated: "once classified, it can be known." Having identified six factors, of which human psyche consists, Andrey Davydov not just came closer to the soul as a system that is a carrier of information, but also one of the requirements of classification systems was observed—compilation of fundamental sections, which are principally different from each other in their characteristics and criteria. And, what is the basis? When it comes to a Homo sapiens, the basis of his existence, as Andrey Davydov found, are archetypal programs. These programs consist of chimeric formations, while chimeras are expressed in images. The latter is systematized into a scheme, which in a new direction in scientific psychology called Non-traditional Psychoanalysis (which does not using any existing methods in psychology, and is based solely on the decryption of the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) that turned out to be the Catalog of human population) is known as "individual archetypal pattern." The difference between a human and an animal is not in that what is commonly believed, for example, possession of the ability to think and articulate speech, work activity, creation and use of tools, alleged "spiritual needs," and so on. The only difference is in that animals are much more primitive in terms of images that are the basis of their life activities. An animal, or any other natural object, has only one image in its biological program. For example: only a monkey, only a horse, only salmon, only a pine, only an ant, only an orchid, only a stone, only gold. However, a human has a natural biological program, which is recorded by an impressive number of natural images, and this program, conditionally speaking, can contain a monkey, and a horse, and salmon, and a pine, and an orchid, and an ant, and stones, and gold, and much more, for example, rivers, lakes and seas, mountains and valleys, grasses and trees, various soils. And, this is far from all. There are 293 unique human programs described in the ancient source 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), and one program can be recorded by over one hundred different images. It is not surprising that a human has a much greater survival rate in nature than any other natural object. Although only in potential. Without knowledge of his natural program, a person is inferior even to animals in some psychophysiological parameters, for example, strength, agility, speed, visual acuity, etc. Even though it is all there in human potential, without knowledge it will never work. However, this does not make Homo sapiens relatives of primates. * "Having accumulated rich experimental material, having developed unique methods of experimental study of psyche, today psychophysics reached an impasse. It lost the very subject of its application. Breaking out of the deadlock is possible in acquisition of scientific interest, namely, in defining its place in solution of the main problem of psychology (anthropology, philosophy): what is psyche." K. D. Zarochentsev, A. I. Khudyakov, First Russian Philosophical Convention: Crisis of Modern Psycho-Diagnostics, St. Petersburg, 1997, Vol. 7, p. 451. "To state something fundamental about a modern, civilized human is one of the most difficult and thankless tasks that one can think of since the one who states, is limited by the same conditions and is blinded by the same prejudices, as those about whom he has to express his views." C. G. Jung, Soul Problems of Our Time, Moscow, 1994, pp. 158-184. ** "Psyche (from the Greek psychikos - soulful) is a systematic property of highly organized matter, manifested in a subject’s particular reflection of objective reality, and includes introjected modeling by him of this reality and regulation on the basis of created model of his behavior and activities. The study of patterns of development and functioning of psyche is the subject of psychology as a science." N. I. Konukhov, Dictionary-Reference Book of Psychology, Moscow, 1996.
- -Why are there so many animals-chimeras and plants-chimeras in 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) text? How are chimeras related to a human and his psyche?
- Existing attempts to give an archetype a form of a particular animal or plant seem quite simplified. Homo sapiens already proved by the fact of his survival that he has universal characteristics. This means that a human has the ability to contain characteristics of all bio-forms of nature, comprehend them and successfully survive by using them. It would be more logical to suppose that archetypes, by which natural human programs are recorded, should be complexed, multi-functional, more universal, and not simplified to a specific archetype of a natural element, whether an animal, a plant, a mineral or some natural phenomenon such as a storm, drought, flood, dawn, etc. And, this supposition was made by Andrey Davydov, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population. In the 山海經 Shan Hai Jing (Catalog of Mountains and Seas) manuscript, as Andrey Davydov found, chimeric structures are widely used for recording of human "software." From this, an assumption can be made that creators of humanity got involved in connecting unconnectable things in order to make representatives of this biological type more powerful and mighty than animals, and, as a result of this—amazing creatures that are recorded in 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) came into being. Natural magnitudes turned into chimeras. However, with all the fantasticality of described depictions of fauna and flora described in 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), they are not unique. Almost all cultures preserved zoomorphic beings and unusually existing flora. Painting, sculpture, written records, utensils, and so on—everything has traces of chimerical joining. For example, in 1880 in peatlands of Denmark there was found a vessel similar to a boiler. It dates back to I century BC. It is decorated inside and out with a multitude of amazing depictions of human-like beings and amazing animals. Also, one of the strangest animals, of Celtic origin, is a snake with а ram's head. It is impossible to attribute it neither to gods, nor to people or to anything at all. Chimeras of such kind, as if were taken from a single source and spread over all continents of the world. As it is known, a chimera is an object that combines parts of different living beings. A well-known example of a chimera is the ancient Egyptian Sphinx. Sphinx is portrayed differently. For example, in the ancient Egyptian art it is an animal with a body of a lion and a head of a human (less often of a falcon or a ram)—for example, the Sphinx of Hatshepsut (New Kingdom, XV century BC). In the ancient Greek mythology, it is a creature with a woman’s head, paws and body of a lion, wings of an eagle and a bull’s tail. However, in any case, it is "a composite creature"—that is, a totality of different parts of real animals. The same principle—chimerical—is observed in the case of psychical arrangement of Homo sapiens, recorded in the ancient source 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), which turned out to be the Catalog of human population. However, not only zoomorphic or anthropo-zoomorphic chimeras are found in this ancient manuscript, but also plants-chimeras, etc. Principled approach in use of chimeras prompted researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov to think about the possibility of considering functional psychophysiological diapason of a human through chimerical images. And, as he found out, connections of parts of different animals or plants into one, these fantastic chimeras from 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), in essence, are nothing other than formulas; formulas, as the totality of qualities, properties, and functions implanted by nature in representatives of different subtypes of Homo sapiens. These formulas are universal in perception and indestructible in time. Images-chimeras from 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), the book, which turned out to be the Catalog of human population, are "formulas of the soul" for subsequent multi-functional actions of a human in ever-changing environment. And, this is the answer to the so-called "great riddle of the Sphinx."
- -Do correctors that influence archetypal complexes of Homo sapiens, which are described in 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), exist?
- Yes, such correctors exist; as it was found by Andrey Davydov (the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population), some of the basic correctors that influence archetypal complexes of Homo sapiens are geographical zones that represent local ecosystems. They have their own specificity in geomorphological, climatic, biological, and other aspects. Their mutual influence gives us transformation of bio-forms (animals, plants, etc.) of external order. For example, despite that according to the Russian saying "A pig is a pig even in Africa," externally a Russian "khavron'ya"* significantly differs from an African warthog. The same applies to plants. For example, an orchid, which has a huge number of forms that depend, among other things, on the geographical zone of its "residence," but in fundamental characteristics Orchidaceae have the same distinguishing characteristics, which allow to attribute them to the same family. Something similar can be said about Homo sapiens, who belong to a certain ethnic formation. In essence—a representative of any ethnos by his distinguishing characteristics does not go beyond human characteristics; however, in form—there is a diapason of differences, which depends on many correctors, one of which is geographical. Why is the emphasis on geographical zone? Many ethnic groups consider certain geographical zones their historical homeland and relocation to other areas causes a feeling of nostalgia. Researcher Andrey Davydov found that this occurs in consequence of that location of residence has biological analogues, and, naturally, any deviation of these analogues in other regions leaves a person, who has changed his original place of residence, without the possibility to realize his psychophysiological diapason through unconscious comparing of his archetypal complex with natural biological analogs of his geographical homeland. An individual, a group, an ethnos is left in an informational vacuum, which significantly, for example, reduces survival rate in general and at a new region in particular. Nationality, place of birth and residence allow adjustment of functional diapason, given by nature to a human, by comparing natural analogues of his birthplace with the individual archetypal complex. * In Russian "khavron'ya" is a word used in common parlance, jokingly instead of the word "a pig."
- -When I started learning different images of programs of people from Catalog of Human Population, I noticed that there are natural programs of Homo sapiens recorded by a small number of images, and in programs of some people there is a huge number of images. What advantage does a person (human subtype), whose program is recorded by a large number of images, have over a person, whose program contains a small number of images?
- Subtypes of type Homo sapiens have individual archetypal patterns that vary by volume. Some human programs have, for example, thirty images, while others might contain over one hundred images. However, it is worth noting that the quantity of images, by which human programs are recorded, do not at all make one subtype superior to another subtype or subtypes. Research that was carried out by Andrey Davydov (the author of the discovery of the Catalog of human population) and his colleagues engaged in decryption of the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), and their comparative analysis showed that by potential that was implanted in a particular subtype—all subtypes are equal. Moreover, it is impossible to discuss competition between subtypes. It is the same as in the world of animals: a dog cannot compete with a bird or a fish, and lions are not superior to elephants. They cannot be compared because they are different. In the same way, every human subtype has their own spheres of functionality, their own diapason of abilities. For this reason, existing ideas in civilization about superiority of one group of people over another is archaism, from the point of view that humanity is a type, in which there are 293 subtypes with different psychophysiological sets of qualities. Superiority of one person (or groups of people) over another can take place only within one human subtype, and not between those people, who belong to different subtypes. According to information from the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), which turned out to be nothing other than the Catalog of human population, people can surpass each other only by one criterion: psychophysiological qualities, psychophysiological abilities that get achieved on the basis of knowledge from the Catalog of human population, but are not in any way connected with skin color, nationality, or association with some social group. Superiority among subtypes within human society can exist only because some use knowledge about themselves and other people from the Catalog of human population, and some do not. According to research carried out by representatives of Non-traditional Psychoanalysis—this is not the norm; in principle, competition among subtypes should not exist in human society.
- -What are “artificial images?”
- Firstly, probably it makes sense to remind of that Homo sapiens did not invent anything that is not rooted in natural analogues, and it is unlikely that it is even possible to do. Therefore, contrary to that Carl G. Jung considered archetypes of human unconscious to be derivatives of human imagination (fantasy), research in the field of Non-traditional Psychoanalysis showed that at the basis of functioning of Homo sapiens are more ancient archetypes—natural images that are recorded in the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), which later on transformed into archetypes generated by human fantasies. Human fantasies are that what is called "artificial images." Prior to the scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population by Andrey Davydov in the XX century, without being aware by which natural images human "software" is recorded, civilization produced an incredibly huge massif of artificial images. Artificial images were created to replace natural programs of Homo sapiens in the absence of the Catalog of human population since, as it was already mentioned, without "software" a human, like the computer, is not able to function. Every epoch, every culture created and creates its set of images: first there were Apollo or Odin, then Zorro and Batman, and then Shrek, etc. Many modifications of artificial “software” were created without coming close to even approaching the question of that each person has natural “software” given to him by nature at birth. On the one hand, this is explainable since people had to live on some basis because they differ from animals in that their “software” does not work “automatically” (as it is the case with animals) and must be studied, comprehended, mastered. However, on the other hand, artificial “software” differs from natural just like papier-mâché or plastic apples differ from natural apples. Civilization involved in creation of artificial images, figuratively speaking, forces people to eat plastic apples instead of real. And, it is not difficult to guess that such “diet” leads each person to imminent death. No one has ever been able to remain alive and well, while drinking gasoline instead of water and replacing all natural foods with synthetic. This “plastic diet” leads to colossally rapid wear of the entire human psychophysiology, premature aging of the organism, and, as a result, death. However, the result is extended in time, and it is similar to the effect on a person when he takes in daily micro doses of poison. Also, due to these “apples” (artificial images), the potential implanted in a human is realized by about 5% at best. The essence of the phenomenon called “artificial images” can be expressed differently. For example, using the computer language, it is the worse virus that infects a computer. For some time, this virus simply disrupts normal algorithms of functioning of a system, but as a result, sooner or later these violations make a computer completely unusable. Translated onto human psychophysiology, artificial images as a “virus” cause human organism to work incorrectly, not at full capacity, and make mistakes (fatal ones as well). Practical results of such failures are a variety of misfortunes that happen to a human: failures, all sorts of problems, illnesses, and old age. Sooner or later, due to these violations, each of which breaks the system called “human psychophysiology” more and more, a human goes out of order, in other words—dies. When it comes to computers, probably in some cases a good specialist can fix a serious problem or failure. However, in case of a human this occurs without a possibility of recovery. And, in this civilization, it is observable everywhere and can easily be noticed—people rarely live more than 90-100 years. And, this is at best, as human life is usually much shorter. Currently, doctors are not capable of overcoming the problem of death; meanwhile, physiologists state that by nature human body is designed for a youthful and healthy life of a few hundred years. A human was created as such a powerful being in potential that human psychophysiology can work for some time even when it is infected by a similar “virus.” No animal would survive in living conditions that people make for themselves and remain alive in them for some time since at the basis of functioning of Homo sapiens nature implanted the power of natural images, and by that provided a huge strength margin to a human being as a living system. However, a human should understand that if he is still alive, it does not at all mean that he lives correctly. Moreover, it does not mean that he or she will live forever.
- -Do people die only because they live on the basis of artificial images instead of images of their natural programs?
- Research of the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) and other ancient books related to it clearly points to that death is not a mandatory event for a human; even more so, at an age, in which death in civilization is considered natural order of things. According to these sources, death is the result of a mistake or mistakes of a human, which caused a fatal damage to him, as a living machine. And, if a person stops making such frequent and fatal mistakes, he can live as long as he wants. In the 山海經 (Catalog of Mountains and Seas) manuscript such long lifespans are mentioned that it is not worth to tell modern people about them because this will sound too fantastic to them. Perhaps the only cause of death that cannot be considered a consequence of human mistake is violent death (murder). In all other cases, people themselves are causes of their death, as well as diseases and other misfortunes that happen to them. And, as it turned out there is only one cause that forces a human to make fatal mistakes—a “virus” called “artificial images.” Mistakes that led to death of an organism constitute of a wide variety of actions, behavior, human decisions. It is such a wide diapason of causes and effects that it is not possible to discuss this in detail here. However, in a nutshell, people die not according to laws of nature, and certainly not by the principle “God gives, and God takes away,” but first of all, due to lack of information about themselves, about others, about the world, about nature. And, due to their deep ignorance, laziness, stupidity (and insistence on continuing to be stupid), unwillingness to work and study, lack of desire to lead a life of a human instead of that of an animal. An individual, without being even a human in that sense, in which it is reflected in the ancient sources, imagines himself already equal to the creator, and on this basis thinks that it is no longer necessarily for him to study the world and himself, to learn, to self-perfect—he thinks that he is already great, perfect and mighty. However, absolutely all qualities listed above are qualities, which a person gets by creating or using artificial images. There is no other reason. People, who live on the basis of artificial images become dull and useless: they do not want to know and understand anything; do not want to do things right, but only in the way that they want; they are not interested in anything, they do not want anything and do not seek anything except pleasure and doing nothing; they are too lazy to take care of themselves, their own health; they violate natural, moral and ethical laws; they engage in self-destruction, as well as in destruction of everything around them. However, the worst thing for a human is lack of information. Since when a person does not have required information about the external and internal world, he begins to fantasize, imagine. Artificial images are fantasies (including human fantasies about themselves). And, this is the worst thing that can happen to a human since this is the reason various misfortunes happen to him. Quite often people are so carried away by their fantasies that they simply do not want to see the surrounding reality, even when the information is literally right under their noses. A human thinks in the following way: “Even if I am mistaken, I will continue to think and do what I want, as it is comfortable and pleasant to me.” Each person certainly has every right to hold this position. However, from our point of view, this is typical suicide, and in a perverted form; a personally programmed euthanasia of oneself: “Let me die from this, but until the moment of death I will feel good, pleasant.” Humanity can play with their toy called "artificial images" for as long as they want, but people should not forget that an image is not a toy. They must understand clearly that if they think-up monsters, then they become these monsters themselves in reality. With all the consequences, the main and the saddest of which is that they become mutants, and nature is programmed in such a way that any mutations get destroyed. Even though people to not track and regulate this process due to their ignorance—cells of a human body do not take ignorance into account. Cells do not argue what will be better for a person, as that is not their function. They simply realize (at the physical level) that image, which a person chose for himself. This is exactly how any image works; regardless of whether a person knows about this or not. As a result, a person actually becomes those images, which he chose. Unfortunately, all of the above is not just another horrifying fairytale of fiction. All of this has scientific evidence: artificial images, instead of natural images, used by a human as etalons of his individuality lead to the state of a mutant, and all mutations in nature get destroyed. Therefore, nature shortens lives of people, who live on the basis of artificial “software” to a minimum, and then at some point turns on the program of self-utilization in them. Nature does not need people, who transform themselves into mutants by their mad fantasies, who do not fit into the environment in a normal, natural way. Mutations—in this case, it is the only reason that people in this civilization die.
- -How can awareness help a person avoid damage caused by artificial images?
- It cannot since the function called "awareness" does not work in modern Homo sapiens. This is stated on the basis of that, according to ancient sources, awareness,* as a purely human function, is precisely a person's ability to monitor images, based on which he lives and functions. However, first of all, this function in modern Homo sapiens is turned off by artificial "software," based on which they live; secondly, not knowing images of their natural "software" and artificial "software," which civilization "awarded" to them, it is simply impossible to monitor any of the images; thirdly, in order to, as the saying goes, "separate the wheat from the chaff" it is necessary to know the true functions of both kinds of images, and it can be stated with absolute certainty that even the most "advanced" subjects in this civilization simply do not know how to do this. In order to do it, it is necessary to learn how to do it. And, the "first grade" in this "school" is knowledge of images a person’s own natural program and his natural manipulation modes. Without having knowledge neither of your own natural images and what qualities, functionality, abilities and possibilities are behind them, nor of images of artificial "software" (what they are, which invisible programs are behind each of them, how each of them influences you, etc.)—it is impossible a priori to become an individual, who lives consciously, aware. For a person, who seeks not to be a zombie, but instead to live a life of a sensible human—that is, to have awareness, it is necessary to know that the process of monitoring of images, based on which he lives, is not done by the “all-seeing God,” but by his own organism, on the inside. This is how a human is programmed. And, this mechanism cannot be fooled or cheated. A person will have to pay the highest price for his mistakes in regard to his psyche and body, and sometimes the price is very high. From this it likely follows that the main goal of acquisition of awareness as a quality by a human is to avoid, using the computer language, an early break down and "the blue screen of death." Since this is precisely the price for those, who prefer to live on the basis of their own fantasies. And, first of all, fantasies about themselves, about how they are arranged and how they must live. And, nature was created so that every person could learn and study his own self through natural images of his individual program, implanted in his unconscious. Not without reason the Bible states that god created nature for a human. Information from Shan Hai Jing confirms this. Nature is not only an ideal environment for survival of human species by composition of air, water, etc., food base, pharmacy, a vast reservoir of a variety of natural materials, from which a person can build a house, make clothes, shoes, dishes, tools, and everything else that he needed in his life—nature also provides real living or non-living etalons of what a person must be like, how he must live. On earth it is mountains, valleys, rivers, seas, lakes, trees, grasses, a variety of plants and animals, rocks, minerals, metals, birds, fish, reptiles, insects, flowers, sand, soils, and much, much more. Above it is clouds, fogs, rains, winds, celestial bodies, stars, planets of the Solar System, and so on. All of these are natural images. And, all that is left to a human is to find out, by which images his personal program is recorded in the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing)—the source that by all appearances was intentionally left to humanity for this purpose—and to begin to study them in the environment. Due to existence of these images in the environment, a person can actually see, hear, touch, smell, and feel them. And, through this—understand how these images live, function, look, move, smell, sound, and so on. Thus, a person receives knowledge of how he himself must live and function, what he should be to follow the co-called “Plan of the Creator,” and, most importantly, conform to himself—real, natural. * Modern psychology considers awareness a continuous monitoring of current experiences—that is, a state, in which a subject is focused on experiencing the present moment and tries not to get distracted by events of the past or thoughts about the future. This is the ability of consciousness to introspect its own activities.
- -Why do developers of the Catalog of Human Population consider images the proto-language?
- Because the main developers of the Catalog of Human Population—Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk—get any kind of information about any representative of the biological type Homo sapiens precisely from images, which are hieroglyphically recorded in the ancient manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing). On this basis it was concluded that natural images are that protolanguage, which linguists have long been looking for. As it is known, protolanguage is a language that is being reconstructed by linguists—it is the language of the earliest communities of Homo sapiens sapiens (modern humans), which had dialects already in Africa 80-160 thousands of years ago. However, if it is also known that a human being, of any race, nationality and language group thinks in images, then—is an image not the protolanguage of the existing population of Homo sapiens? Words, in any language, are only a form of transmission of mental images. After all, a person, who is deaf since birth does not hear words of any language, but this does not mean that he lacks the process of thinking. Unconscious of a human, his physiology, as well as human cells, do not understand the words of any language. If a cell would understand the language of words, geneticists would not have the following problem: "How to talk to a cell?" Cells understand each other, but they do not understand a human behind the apparatus for transmission of information to cells. Geneticists need a language that cells understand. However, this problem has not been solved to this day since they already know that human cells communicate with each other by images, but exactly which images need to be transmitted to cells of a specific organism—they do not know. In conclusion, it is worth noting that the transition from hieroglyphics to phonemographic language left words without images. An image is expressed by a word, recorded by letters of an alphabet, and each person who says it—at the basis has his own, individual image that is different from the image of another person, who uses that same word. The meaning, the essence, the same diapason of understanding with replacement of hieroglyphic writing with phonemographic—by varying degrees destructurizes interpersonal relationships. The only culture that preserved hieroglyphic writing unchanged is the culture of China. By virtue of this, the ancient Chinese manuscript 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing), which in spite of everything was also preserved unchanged in this culture, was returned to civilization as the Catalog of Human Population by its discoverer, researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov and his colleagues.
- -What do images from 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing) look like?
- The only monument that humanity preserved in its entirety and unchanged is 山海經 (Shan Hai Jing, translated as the Catalog of Mountains and Seas)—the richest collection of natural images that exists in this civilization. These images seem quite fantastical, and for this reason, already for many centuries, they bring readers and researchers of this ancient manuscript to an impasse. For example: "...River Shi flows out of there, flows to the northeast and flows into the sea. There is an animal that looks similar to a wolf, but with a red head and eyes like a rat. It grunts like a piglet... There is a bird, similar to a rooster, but with a white head and legs like a mouse, claws like a tiger..." The entire Shan Hai Jing contains similar material. This book has only images of similar kind and nothing else. Shan Hai Jing consists of 18 sections, and just 5 chapters related to section 1—Catalog of the Mountains—contain 15,503 hieroglyphs. And, behind most of these hieroglyphs are objects of the surrounding nature. However, all images from Shan Hai Jing are natural images because they are images, on the basis of which psychophysiology of any representative of human population was created and functions. These are not just images—they are images of natural human programs and manipulation modes. And, from these images, it is possible to find out anything you want to know about any person.