ISBN: 9781310750373, 9780996731232
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NON-TRADITIONAL PSYCHOANALYSIS: Selected Scientific Articles & Presentations At Conferences
By Andrey Davydov and Olga Skorbatyuk
Translated by Kate Bazilevsky.
Part 2 Article 1 translated by Anonymous.
Dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population by researcher Andrey Davydov.
Table Of Contents
Part 1: Presentations at Conferences
Article 2. Can Archetypal Images Contain Chimeras?
Article 3. Society As A Community Of Manipulators And Their Subjects.
Part 3: Political Science Articles
Article 5. Elitist Political Concepts.
PREFACE is the same for all 5 books in the Catalog of Human Souls series and it is available here.
Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky
“Another 500 li to the east, there is a mountain called Rooster-of-the-year. At the top there is a lot of gold, at the bottom—a lot of cinnabar (Danhu). A black river flows out of there to the south and empties into the sea. Zhuan fish exists there, it is similar to a frog (Fu), but with a bristle. It emits a sound like a grunting pig…”
Shan Hai Jing (Catalog of Mountains and Seas)
Catalog of the Southern Mountains
3rd Chapter
Neither ancient nor modern sages, nobody knows for certain what It is, who gave and preserved this knowledge. However, after it was written down, it was named Shan Hai Jing—The Catalog of Mountains and Seas.
Attribution of authorship, which is required by the ancient Chinese tradition, also occurred. Bo Yi was credited as the creator of this significant work, which contains mysterious knowledge. He was an assistant to Yu the Great—the mythical ruler of China, who, according to legends, lived sometime during the XXI century BC. The legends claim that Yu the Great dealt with a great flood, which fell upon earth and arranged it.
The deedful ruler allegedly came to know its mountains, rivers, their spirits, as well as animals and plants. It was he, who ordered his assistant to describe everything that was seen. As a result, these recordings together with images of spirits, fantastic animals, birds and plants were engraved on nine ritual vessels-tripods. Later on, these sacred vessels were lost. However, according to historical annals, prior to their strange disappearance, the text of the Catalog of Mountains and Seas, along with amazing images of representatives of flora and fauna, spirits and deities were copied.
For all of his deeds, Yu—the legendary hero of the prehistoric Celestial Empire—was proclaimed the Great and many centuries later was canonized by Confucians, whose religion reigned in China until the middle of the XX century. However, the work, which he ordered to create, was out of luck. Shan Hai Jing was not included in the category of Confucian classical books, such as Four Books and Six Classics, which contain sayings of Confucius himself, his followers or works collected and edited by the Teacher. It is unlikely that this was accidental.
Ancient and medieval commentators do not correlate the Catalog of Mountains and Seas with classical heritage, thinking that it has nothing to do with philosopho-ethical teachings of Confucius or a number of other schools of philosophy. Shan Hai Jing was considered a poorly understood book on historical geography, flora and fauna of prehistoric China. In their comments to this treatise, some researchers tried to determine the geographical location of natural objects describes in it and classify fantastic flora and fauna. However, their attempts did not result in anything.
In the end, it was decided that the Catalog of Mountains and Seas is a mythological work of the most ancient Chinese people, which was not included in canonical books due to its incomprehensibility.
Indeed, the Catalog describes a strange world, which even the keenest contemporary fiction writer would not be able to think-up. Outlandish animals, reptiles, some unrealistic birds—in short, a figment of imagination of the ancients, who, at first glance, created that world on purpose, as if for fun and to ridicule the now living: go ahead, scratch your heads over what this means. However, it is unlikely that the ancients would have engaged in such an unserious undertaking as creation of images of fantastic animals that never existed for us, even as myths. This would have required too much work and mental efforts from people, who had to get food by hard labor and in harsh conditions day and night.
“…The river of evaporations begins there, flows to the west and flows into the river Tan. There is an animal there similar to a mouse, but with head of a rabbit and body of a moose. His cry is similar to howling of a dog…” It is quite difficult to imagine such a monster. Or, for example: an animal, which resembles a rabbit, but has a bird’s beak, eyes of an owl and tail of a snake. There are so-called myths, mythical images, which are simply listed in Shan Hai Jing. Although it is necessary to note that until present time real, in our understanding, myths with action and storyline have survived in China, as well as in other nations of the world. Fairy tales and literary works were created on their basis.
Thus, the world described in Shan Hai Jing is not clearly understood, even when considering it as a purely mythological work. Modern scientists, who are involved in research of this fantastical monument, note that many of the names are found only in the Catalog and their true meanings are lost forever. Other names can be found in ancient dictionaries, but synonyms by which they are revealed, for the most part, are also unclear.
Nevertheless, what is Shan Hai Jing? Is it a list of representatives of flora and fauna, data on historical geography, which absolutely no one can understand, or is it something else? It turned out that it is something else. And, this “something else” correlates with the structure of human psyche very well.
Currently, a hypothesis exists that humans obtained some “knowledge” from extraterrestrial beings. According to some sinologists, there is even evidence in China of that extraterrestrials visited Earth. The mythical Yellow Emperor himself, who is considered the progenitor of all Chinese people, supposedly was an “alien” as well. Upon expiry of his term on Earth, he returned to the Yellow star and, most likely, left “cosmic knowledge.” And, it is possible that among them he also left knowledge about identifying structure of human psyche.
It is possible that at the time they were recorded using some mathematical or other methods, which in the end were lost because eventually they became incomprehensible for following generations. However, they there recorded in consciousness of the initiated in the form of comparative images of fantastical animals, amazing trees, stones, and this was reflected in Shan Hai Jing. In any case, Shan Hai Jing is perfectly suitable for identifying the structure of human psyche.
It is unlikely that someone will deny the existence of specific types of geographical regions, water flows, reservoirs, and elevations. They all have their own inhabitants, including people, of course. All this “cooks” in one natural “pot” of a given region, where each animal, plant, human are ingredients of a natural “brew.” Being born in a certain geographical “pot,” every person soaks in the natural surroundings of his or her environment—animals, birds, reptiles, plants— genetically and psychologically. It is necessary to note that this process occurs non-uniformly. One person’s psychophysiology soaked in functional abilities of a bull’s body and a rooster’s head; another person’s—elements of other animals. Aren’t similar monsters described in the Catalog of Mountains and Seas?
Form as a whole, as well as separate parts of a human are peculiar “conductors,” which manifest elements of his psyche. In time it forces “conductors” to acquire characteristics that correspond to psychical analogues or their segments in nature; in other words—representatives of the surrounding flora and fauna. Therefore, human psyche well can be similar to a peculiar conglomerate of natural analogues or their parts.
By the way of selection according to a certain angle, scale and outline, it is possible to uncover to what segment of a specific animal a particular part of the human body belongs. Based on practice described in the I Ching (Book of Changes), which also has the most ancient and vague origin and has not been unraveled up to now, where each line of a hexagram correlates to segments of a human body and an animal—makes it possible to get a quite exact structure of psyche (sub-consciousness and unconsciousness) of any person being studied with the same functional diapason as that of an animal.
Hexagrams are certain graphical symbols, which, according to some scientists, record a universal set of inborn psychical structures, or, as they are also called, “archetypes.”
The next stage is identification of the resultant structure by mythical, from the point of view of a modern person, representatives of flora and fauna in Shan Hai Jing. Knowing the date (day, month, year) of birth of a person, it is easy to find his or her description in the Catalog of Mountains and Seas, which begins with the Catalog of the Mountains according to cardinal points, where each mountain has its own range of habitation of amazing animals, plants and minerals.
Naturally, this method of determining psyche using Shan Hai Jing can be applied not only to an individual, but also practically to any nation as a whole. This requires only a small correction. Each area, region is characterized by its own ecosystem, biorhythm, and energy. In addition, in order to compare the similarity between a part of a human and animals (plants), it is necessary to consider representatives of fauna, flora and folklore, which are native to a person being studied.
Thus, as already mentioned above, Shan Hai Jing, begins with the Catalog of the Mountains according to cardinal points: Southern, Western, Northern, Eastern and Central. They symbolize individuals, and rivers are their lives, which at one moment flow into a sea, at another into a lake or a swamp.
The ancient Chinese teaching about the five elements also makes it possible to determine to a great extent very fine details of psychological structure of a human. For example, water corresponds to the north, its color is black, and emotions—fear. By the way, the first emperor of the unified China (III century BC) Qin Shi Huang, who was born under the element of water, wore black clothing and remained in history of the Middle Kingdom as the cruelest despot. He was feared so much that when he died, people were afraid to come near him for a few days…
When studying the remaining sections of Shan Hai Jing (Catalog of Regions Beyond the Seas, etc.), it becomes clear that the Catalog of the Mountains describes psychological structure of a human, who has not yet advanced in his development from the world of animals and must “work through” the program that was implanted in him or her by nature.
A more perfect stage, liberation of a human from previous psychological structures and attainment of knowledge of the highest level (rational), can be traced in the next sections of Shan Hai Jing. There, for the most part, deities prevail among the inhabitants. Naturally, in order to determine the way of transition to a more perfect structure of psyche—a more complex technology is necessary, which is based on the most ancient knowledge stored in Shan Hai Jing, I Ching, and the Teaching of the five elements.
A reader might have doubts: is this possible? As it turned out—this is possible. It turned out that the ancient Chinese were not so naïve as to pass on worthless knowledge to future generations. They conveyed, passed on to us information about perfect humans, who comprehended the connection between their internal world and the macrocosmos, who were capable of understanding the essence of changes in nature, flying on the clouds and transmitting information from a distance. However, from our point of view, the most important thing is that a text titled Shan Hai Jing (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), which turned out to be the Catalog of human population, was left for us.
The ancient Chinese manuscript Shan Hai Jing was qualified as the Catalog of human population on the basis that the author of this scientific discovery—Russian researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov found in this source detailed descriptions of subtypes of the biological type Homo sapiens. It was found that by nature the biological type “human” is divided into 293 subtypes, representatives of which, despite principal physiological similarity, have models of structure of psyche that principally differ from each other.
It turned out that a human is a bio-robot because he lives and functions solely on the basis of a strict program, just like all the other natural objects on this planet live and function: flora and fauna, rocks and minerals, mountains and rivers, the planet Earth itself and other planets of the Solar System. One of 293 natural programs turn on at the moment of birth1 in each representative of the biological type Homo sapiens, and a person begins to live and function strictly in accordance with this natural program, regardless of whether he knows about its existence or not.
Natural human program, as it turned out, is that “soul,” which psychologists, anthropologists, sociologists, philosophers, esotericists, religions of all confessions, etc. have been and still are looking for without success.
Every person being born with a natural program, which is, using technical terms, “inbuilt” in his psyche, is incapable of going beyond this program during the course of his or her life. It is this natural arrangement of Homo sapiens, which allows us (researchers of Shan Hai Jing, who have special technology of decryption, unlike other researchers of this ancient book) to easily uncover the content of the unconscious sphere of any individual. And, from there we get any kind of information about this person: his or her true, natural qualities of personality, motives, life algorithms, goals and objectives, and much more.
On the basis of this most ancient of texts that survived in this civilization—the Catalog of the Mountains and Seas—it became possible to compile the Catalog of human population. This Catalog is being created by its developers in the form of 293 descriptions of Homo sapiens subtype structures according to 6 factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual, and environmental. The unique system of decryption of this ancient source and the 6-factors system of descriptions of psychophysiological structure of a human was created by Andrey Davydov in the 80s of the XX century.
In conclusion it is possible to say that due to ancestral heritage, which survived only in one of the existing cultures—the Chinese culture—in the form of one of the most ancient and mysterious manuscripts, Shan Hai Jing, as well as due to scientific approach of researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov to sources that are traditionally considered esoteric—psychology finally got every right to be called a science2, and humanity got the Catalog of human population. Of course, it is a pity that this Catalog, which was discovered 40 years ago and is actively being used for over 20 years, only now, due to some causes (which are described in detail in other sources3), is becoming available to people around the world4. However, we are convinced that this is exactly how it should be, as the Catalog of human population describes Homo sapiens regardless of their racial, national and other differences, and, therefore, it should belong to all humanity, and not just any one, very small part of it.
1 To be more specific—at the moment of cutting of the umbilical cord that connects a baby to the mother during pregnancy.
2 The subject of psychology is human psyche, or in simple terms—”soul” (from the ancient Greek ψυχή – “soul”; λόγος – “teaching”). However, prior to the discovery of the Catalog of human population by researcher Andrey Davydov, psychology did not have a clear, precise, unambiguous and comprehensive answer to the question “What is the soul of a human, and what is its structure?”
3 Refer to: the official website of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog Of Human Souls and the Human Population Academy (; book by Kate Bazilevsky titled Shan Hai Jing—A Book Covered With Blood: The Story Of Developers Of The Catalog Of Human Population; book by Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky titled Homo Sapiens Are Bio-Robots: Human “Software.”
4 Andrey Davydov’s research began in 1974 in Russia (USSR at the time), and already in the early 90s the technology, which he created for decryption of Shan Hai Jing in order to obtain descriptions of human subtypes from it, was verified in Russian scientific institutions. From that moment 20 more years passed until this technology started being actively used in practice, mainly in the Russian Federation (former USSR).
Yanshina, E. M. (Trans.). (1977). Katalog Gor I Morej (Shan Hai Tszin) [Catalog of Mountains and Seas (Shan Hai Jing)]. Moscow: Nauka.
Jung, C. G. (1991). A. M. Rutkevich (Ed.). Arkhetip i simvol [Archetype And Symbol]. Moscow: Renessans.
Lukyanov, A. E. (1994). Nachalo drevnekitayskoy filosofii: “I tszin”, “Dao de tszin”, “Lun’ yuy” [The Beginning Of The Ancient Chinese Philosophy: I Ching, Tao Te Ching, Lun Yu]. Moscow: Radiks. ISBN 9785864630266. [Available at multiple libraries]
Otyugov, А. А. (1998). Corr. of RAO L. Verbitskaya & Assoc. Prof. B. Sokolova (Eds.), Pervyy Rossiyskiy Filosofskiy Kongress: Chelovek – Filosofiya – Gumanizm [First Russian Philosophical Congress. Human Being – Philosophy – Humanism]: Vol. 7 Philosophy and Human Problem: Psychological Nature Of Mythological Consciousness. St. Petersburg: SPSU Publishing House. ISBN 9785288018947. Presentation at the First Russian Philosophical Congress: Human Being – Philosophy – Humanism (in Russian), St. Petersburg. Retrieved from B4231.R6751997 (subscription required). [Also available at other libraries]
Zarochentsev, K. D., & Khudyakov, A.I. (1998). Corr. of RAO L. Verbitskaya & Assoc. Prof. B. Sokolova (Eds.), Pervyy Rossiyskiy Filosofskiy Kongress: Chelovek – Filosofiya – Gumanizm [First Russian Philosophical Congress. Human Being – Philosophy – Humanism]: Vol. 7 Philosophy and Human Problem: The Crisis Of Modern Psychodiagnostics. St. Petersburg: SPSU Publishing House. ISBN 9785288018947. Presentation at the First Russian Philosophical Congress: Human Being – Philosophy – Humanism (in Russian), St. Petersburg. Retrieved from B4231.R6751997 (subscription required). [Also available at other libraries]
Davydov, A., & Fedoruk, V. (1999). Shan Khay Tszin: Mify Ili Struktura Psikhiki? [Shan Hai Jing: Myths Or Structure Of Psyche?]. Moscow: Power Of Spirit, 32-35.
Ezhov, V. V. (2003). Mify Drevnego Kitaya [Myths of Ancient China]. (Ill. Myths of Nations of the World) Moscow: Astrel.
Davydov, A., & Skorbatyuk, O. (2014). K. Bazilevsky (Trans.). IDEOLOGY OF RELIGIONS. Scientific Proof Of Existence Of “God”: The Catalog Of Human Population. (Original work published 2014 in Russian, ISBN 9781311946690.). San Diego, CA: HPA Press. ISBN 9781311413932 ISBN 9780988648593
© 2015 Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky. All rights reserved.
Presentation 1. Presentation at the First Russian Philosophical Congress: Human Being – Philosophy – Humanism. Philosophy and Human Problem. Is Shan Hai Jing The Original Catalog Of Psychophysiological Human Structure?
Presentation 2. Presentation at the International Conference on Prospects of Preservation and Development of Unified Civilization of the Planet: Culture, Ecology, Cosmos. Catalog of Human Population.
Article 1. From Carl Gustav Jung’s Archetypes Of The Collective Unconscious To Individual Archetypal Patterns.
Article 2. Can Archetypal Images Contain Chimeras?
Article 3. Society As A Community Of Manipulators And Their Subjects.
Article 1. Terrorism: A Concept For The ATC (The Commonwealth Of Independent States Anti-Terrorism Center).
Article 2. Influence Of Psychophysiological Specifics Of A Leader On The Style Of Political Decision-Making.
Article 3. Essence Of Political Ideologies And Their Role In The Historical Process. (Political History Of Russia.)
Article 4. Ideology Of Monarchy. For Office Of The Head Of The Russian Imperial House, Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna.
Article 5. Elitist Political Concepts.
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© 2005 Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk
Translation © 2015 Kate Bazilevsky
© 2015 HPA Press
All rights reserved.