ISBN: 9781310984785, 9780996731218
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By Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky
Part 2 translated by Kate Bazilevsky.
All images are in the public domain unless otherwise noted.
Dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the discovery of the Catalog of human population by researcher Andrey Davydov.
Table Of Contents
Introduction. Why It Is Not Worth It To Confuse The Catalog Of Human Population With A Horoscope
Part 1. Anyone Can Now Get Into Your Soul Without Your Permission
Chapter 1. Your Life Is Not Private Anymore
Chapter 2. Who Is Behind Masks?
Chapter 3. Briefly About The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 4. Simplicity Is Worse Than Robbery
Chapter 5. Do Not Trust, But Test Instead
Chapter 6. A Human Is Not A Dog And Not An Iron
Chapter 7. How To Use Information From Demo Descriptions Of Homo Sapiens
Chapter 8. Find Out About Yourself Because Others Already Know About You
Part 2. 100 Demos of Individual Natural Programs Of Homo Sapiens From The Catalog Of Human Population
PREFACE is the same for all 5 books in the Catalog of Human Souls series and it is available here.
Sketch © 2000 Andrey Davydov
“Seppuku is a private matter of each samurai.”
Humorous Russian saying
Before proceeding with presentation of this uneasy topic (due to that for the vast majority of readers it is absolutely new), we consider it necessary to make a brief introduction. We think that this introduction should help readers understand what the Catalog of human population is before they begin their acquaintance with descriptions of human programs from this Catalog.
Since, as mentioned above, we are celebrating the 40th anniversary from the beginning of research that led to scientific discovery of the Catalog of human population, during this period we accumulated a huge baggage of a variety of reactions to this discovery. However, with all the variety of these reactions, there is one “like a blueprint,” which we came across in those, who are not engaged in scientific research work.
For this reason, by publishing one hundred short demo versions of individual programs of Homo sapiens from the Catalog of human population in this book, we can predict with high probability the initial reaction of some readers to this information. Of course, it is very likely that this reaction will be reexamined after acquaintance with demo versions of descriptions, which will show matches with character qualities of real people whom a person has met. However, jumping to a conclusion from this category can prevent some readers from getting closely acquainted with demo versions and from testing them on practice.
We have long noticed that no matter how much an average person is told about the science called “phenology,” about that in nature each type of living organism is born in a strictly specific time period, and that the Catalog of human population has nothing to do with neither numerology nor astrology—for some reason, his first reaction is: “It resembles a horoscope.” Perhaps in their overwhelming majority, ordinary people are so far from analysis of incoming information that the simple thought that something that resembles some other thing, might not be that thing usually does not occur to them.
It is characteristic of a human to draw conclusions according to the principle of an analogy, when the conclusion about an object gets built on the basis of its similarity to another object. In itself, this method of learning about the world is not bad, but in some situations, such as this one, it does not work. The reason is that in this civilization there is nothing equivalent, of equal value or similar to the ancient source of knowledge, which turned out to be the Catalog of human population. Due to this, probably, it is pointless to try to compare the Catalog to something familiar.
Another question is that fans of horoscopes could draw a different parallel and, for example, compare the Catalog of human population to encyclopedias about animals or plants, the periodic table, which describes the chemical elements, or an anatomical atlas. However, as our practice has shown, such comparisons usually do not come to minds of average people, as they are not familiar with the periodic table and anatomical atlases, do not study encyclopedias of plants and animals, and are familiar only with horoscopes, numerological descriptions of individuals, and psychological descriptions from popular glossy magazines.
This is the difference between average people and those, who are involved in scientific research. Scientific research work requires a higher level of education and general knowledge about the world, on open mind, and completely other interests. People involved in scientific research usually do not study horoscopes.
However, we think that all this is not our problem.
We adhere to the position that any person has the right to try to fence himself off from the fact that the Catalog of human population exists and tell himself that descriptions from this Catalog are similar to another horoscope. Any person has the right to try to fence himself off from the fact that he is a bio-robot and tell himself that Shan Hai Jing is a fantasy of the ancients. Any person has the right to consider us, developers of the Catalog of human population, the next oddballs, who are telling about that what they thought-up due to their desire to appear original. We do not object to this. However, there is one “but.” These people are the ones, who will suffer from such actions. And, we will explain below why this is so in great detail and with examples.
Descriptions from the Catalog of human population are different from any horoscope not only in that they were put together without taking into account any influence of stars, planets, etc. on a human. Since they have no relation to astrology or astronomy, and the orientation on the date of birth is due to natural phenological cycles. These descriptions are different from numerology not only in that they were not made based on influence of numbers on a human (which so far has not been proven by anyone) and take into account leap/common year of birth of a person being studied. These descriptions are different from all other kinds of personality descriptions, including psychological that are made on the basis of results of traditional methods of psychological studies. And, they are different not only in that they are systematized by six factors (intellectual, physical, nutritional, emotional, sexual and environmental), but also in that they are based on an objective source of this information, meaning that they are not fruits of opinions and conclusions made by researchers. And so on. However, this is not what is important. The important thing is that underneath each characteristic of a person in these descriptions are images of his/her individual program or manipulation mode from Shan Hai Jing. And, these images are nothing other than the language of “software” of Homo sapiens.
Developers of the Catalog of human population get images from a source called the Catalog of Mountains and Seas, decrypt them using a technology specially created for this and, as a result, obtain descriptions of a particular individual, as a representative of a subtype of Homo sapiens.
By the way, no one has ever heard that astrologists, numerologists or traditional psychologists describe an individual on the basis of his (or a group’s) belongingness to a particular subtype of Homo sapiens. Neither we nor anyone else came across astrologists, numerologists and traditional psychologists, who ever mentioned the existence of subtypes within the biological type “human.” While the date of birth of an individual from a description, which is made on the basis of decryption of Shan Hai Jing, refers not to the date of birth of a separate individual, but to the date of birth of the entire Homo sapiens subtype (there are about three hundred subtypes); therefore, with human population being over seven billion people—there are about twenty million representatives of one subtype.
However, let’s get back to images, as the language of human “software.”
For those, who are not yet familiar with the Catalog of human population on practice, brief information about what Shan Hai Jing, individual programs and manipulation modes of Homo sapiens are is provided in the Preface. And, one can learn more about them from the first book in this series titled Homo Sapiens Are Bio-Robots. Human “Software” (by Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky). As for images (individual archetypes), as the language of human unconscious—in order to sufficiently cover this topic, it is required to devote at least a whole book to it, not simply a chapter. However, we will, of course, explain in a nutshell what an image is and its impact on human psychophysiology. And, we will clarify this right here in the Introduction.
Those people, who are already familiar with the Catalog of human population and already use it in their daily lives, can see images from Shan Hai Jing (which are behind the individual characteristics of a described person) in descriptions. And, these people are well aware of that knowing information about images of the natural program of some person, as the language spoken by his unconscious and his entire psychophysiology, it is possible to influence him and there will be very serious consequences for his psyche and body.
In essence, this is exactly in what descriptions, which are made on the basis of decryption of images from Shan Hai Jing, differ from any other descriptions; and, not only astrological, but also psychological, which are made on the basis of results of traditional psychological tests and other traditional methods. Since behind descriptions done by traditional psychologists is anything, including their subjective opinions and conclusions, but not an objective source of knowledge about a human and about the structure of his psyche (such is Shan Hai Jing), and not images of human “software.”
In itself the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing (Catalog of Mountains and Seas), decryption of which showed that it is a description of the archaic layers of human psyche, is the richest collection of images. And, any person can easily confirm this by opening the book titled Catalog of Mountains and Seas. However, these images are not some mythological, fairy-tale characters, as researchers before us believed, but the language of… human “software.”
Meaning that it is the language of human psyche, the language of unconscious of Homo sapiens—language as the key, as the pass into these most archaic layers of psyche of a subject of interest. And, this key, as the saying goes, “opens the doors of the soul” of a person, who someone decided to seriously influence; these doors open wide—as the saying goes, “come in and take whatever you want.”
Anyone, who found out from Shan Hai Jing images of the program of a person he is interested in, can easily enter his “holy of holies”—his psyche, his soul. And, through this penetration he can do whatever he wants with this person; without warning and without asking anyone’s permission. After all, knowing a particular language, there is always a possibility to speak it, right?
As stated above, behind each of descriptions from the Catalog of human population are images of, if we use the computer language, “software of soul” of a human. That is, images of his individual program and manipulation modes. Knowing images that are behind descriptions of an individual, it is possible to do anything you want with this person—good and evil. As mentioned above, this makes descriptions from the Catalog of human population cardinally different from descriptions of an individual from the category of astrological and numerological descriptions, which are made on the basis of traditional psychological tests (in our view, these are essentially the same, and we already explained why above).
And, what is most notable is that having such a degree of influence on another person is now possible even for a non-professional in the field of psychology. After all, as it turned out, all information about any person is recorded in his unconscious by natural images, including by images of those natural objects and phenomena, which we can observe around us: mountains, rivers, lakes, rocks, minerals, metals, fauna and flora, winds, rains, tornadoes, floods, drought, and so on.
Therefore, after finding out by images of which natural objects the program of a person of interest is recorded—any person, who knows how to read, can open up encyclopedias of plants, animals, metals, stones, minerals, etc., and find out what specific factors influence images that are in the personal program of this particular person.
Moreover, this influence occurs at the level of life support. And, there is nothing surprising here since images of the unconscious work specifically at this level. A person can imagine himself as anyone in his fantasies—Batman, Superman or even God. However, natural mechanisms that are “mounted” into his psyche exist from birth. These mechanisms work at the level of inborn reflexes and instincts, and not a single “superman” can influence or control their work. Not even a little bit.
To some extent, regulation of work of these natural mechanisms can be done by a person, who knows images of his own natural program and manipulation modes from the Catalog of human population and works with this information in a certain way. However, even then there are certain limits. What is left to others, who are not familiar with information from the Catalog about their natural structure, is to twitch on strings of their reflexes and instincts like marionettes; including when someone is skillfully pulling those strings.
Now there is no need to have psychological knowledge, skills, and access to super-secret psychotechnologies in order to “pull the strings” of another person competently. All that “a manipulator of another’s soul” has to do is to find out by which images the natural program of a person whom he wants to seriously affect is recorded and read about them in an ordinary encyclopedia. Moreover, in our time, it is easy to do without going to a scientific library; for example, one can visit Internet websites devoted to biology, botany, mineralogy, etc.
After this, it is not a problem to affect the entire system of life support of a person, whom you want to influence in one direction or another. And, this influence will have consequences, which, as it seems to us, are simple to guess when taking about the life-support system. With this kind of influence, it is possible to reanimate, bring a person back to life, as well as to destroy him; moreover, to destroy him physically. Since images, by which natural programs and manipulation modes are recorded in human psyche are the key to his entire psychophysiology—soul and body. Any influence through these images, as the most powerful effect through psyche, certainly will reflect on physiology of a person, on whom this kind of influence is being made.
An image, as it turned out, is the basis for management of a system called “human.” However, that is another story and more details about this are included in the third book of this series titled Human Manipulation Modes. Either You Are Manipulating Or You Are Being Manipulated (by Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky). Here, it is more important to state that individual programs of different people are recorded by different natural images.
Moreover, each subtype program of Homo sapiens contains not one or two images, but approximately thirty to one hundred (and sometimes more). After all, humans did not evolve from apes, have nothing in common with primates, and by their psychophysiological structure are not as primitive, as it is customary to think (even in the scientific community). Natural bio-programs of Homo sapiens might have several different animals, as well as birds, fish, reptiles, plants and many other natural objects, which were mentioned above. This gives a person a greater survival rate compared to other natural objects on this planet.
Not having knowledge of images of the natural program of a person, using an old-fashioned method of “hit or miss” and trying to guess how to influence someone with serious consequences is absolutely useless. The trouble is that even the most wonderful horoscope, “psychic” or “clairvoyant” will not provide this information. Using traditional psychological methods it is impossible to find out by which images individual natural program of a subject of interest is recorded. It is also impossible to guess this (meaning, figure out intuitively).
On the outside, all representatives of biological type Homo sapiens look principally the same: two hands, two legs, no tail, hooves, horns, scales, wings, etc. Differences such as eyes, hair or skin and the overall exterior will not answer the question—what are the psychological characteristics, inner qualities of this person, and how he differs from others, who look similar.
Differences between one individual and another are invisible, hidden from the eyes because they are in the psyche; or, to be more specific, in images, by which a particular human program is recorded. As it was discovered, “secret buttons” of control of a person are in the same place. However, as many thousands of years of history of this civilization have shown, it is impossible to figure this out without turning to Shan Hai Jing as the Catalog of human population. No one yet has been able to obtain information of this kind because it is a priori impossible. And, this means that it would be impossible to influence someone with a guaranteed result, let alone to influence at the level of life support.
However, in life of absolutely any person situations occur when it is vital to get a working tool to manage another person; but, except for those, who use the Catalog of human population, no one knows how to do it quickly, effectively, and, most importantly, with a one hundred percent guarantee. This is not surprising because information about images, as the language of natural “software” of Homo sapiens, together with the tool that makes any person one hundred percent manageable, cannot be obtained anywhere except from Shan Hai Jing.
And, in general, this is easily observable simply by looking around. For example, without knowledge of images of a person’s natural program from the Catalog of human population, it is possible to get rid of an unwanted subject exclusively with the help of criminal actions from the category of “an ax over the head,” or actions related to the medical-pharmacological legalized murder. There is no other way.
Even a child is capable of “driving someone up the wall”, “provoking to a white rage,” frightening, upsetting, making “run on the ceiling” or hysterical. This type of manipulation is primitive and does not require any special knowledge, skills or specific information about a person. However, by nature any human being has a huge reserve of endurance and a great survival rate.
And, what is also important, the influence described above is mainly on the emotional factor, while human psyche, as it turned out, also includes intellectual, physical, nutritional, sexual and environmental factors. The result is that a manipulator, who uses such primitive methods will achieve very little besides a defensive reaction and often aggression towards him from the subject of manipulation.
A different matter is when a person knows images of another person’s “software” from the Catalog of human population. In this case, it really is possible to do anything with psyche and body of any person; and to do it absolutely unnoticeably, and therefore safely for the manipulator. After all, the subject of attack will not be able to put up any resistance. And, the manipulator will not be punished because actions that need to be made in order to physically destroy a person using knowledge about images of his program are not criminal, are not subject to criminal penalties in any criminal code of any country in the world.
If we continue with examples of actions aimed at physical destruction of an unwanted subject, then if someone has information about images of “software” of this subject—actions will often be very simple to execute, will not require major financial means, and will appear absolutely innocent. Any super-investigator or coroner will not be able to connect a person’s death with consequences of such actions.
For example, what is the crime in that one person left another person without access to water for a relatively short period of time? Absolutely nothing, but with a small caveat—if images of natural individual program of this other person do not have, for example, the image “fish.” By the way, if necessary, it is very easy to make such person a chronic alcoholic, who, supposedly, “became a drunk on his own and died because of that.” Beforehand it is possible to find out from images of manipulation modes of this person (to be more specific, from images of his suppression mode) what alcoholic beverages to offer him, so that he would not be able to say “no” to them. Since a huge number of subtype structures have the image “fish” and all have different preferences in this regard.
Or, for example, what is so criminal in that someone felt that the room was stuffy at night, opened a window in this room where someone else slept as well, it became a little colder than usual, and that someone became a bit cold in his sleep? Also nothing, you will answer, and you will be right. However, the trouble is that there are plants and animals, which die even when there are small changes in temperature. And, what if this is done regularly, and someone opens a window when a person, who is a carrier of such images, is already fast asleep, and then closes the window right before that person wakes up?
Yes, Homo sapiens is not a fish and not a flower. By nature he has a much greater margin of strength in comparison with any of animals or plants on this planet. However, if unsuitable life conditions from the standpoint of images of the natural program of a person are constantly created, then psychophysiology of absolutely any Homo sapiens will begin to slowly, but surely “fall apart”—one physiological system will fall apart after another until the natural program of utilization turns on.
Here is another example. There are, for example, reptiles that do not eat anything except animal feed such as meat, fish and eggs. We think that you can guess that we are talking about snakes. What can be easier than making a person, who is a carrier of the image “snake,” and who does not know his natural program, follow a strict vegetarian diet? No matter under what sauce—religious, health improvement, or to lose weight, for example. Then, all that will be necessary is to wait a little until the entire psychophysiology of this person becomes completely broken due to that his organism is not getting the necessary nutrients from food. Meanwhile, another person does not have similar types of images-carnivores in his program, but has, for example, such images as “a horse”, “a deer”, “a cow,” etc., and therefore, he can be a one hundred percent vegetarian and this will only strengthen his health.
As for a person, who has “a stone” as one of images of his program—it is not very difficult to destroy his entire psychophysiology. All that is necessary in order to do this is only to make him regularly experience strong emotions without the possibility of sharing them with someone. Or to regularly create sudden and abrupt temperature changes, for example, having convinced him that alternations of a hot sauna and cold water are good for him. In these cases all that will be left is to wait until his health begins to “burst at the seams” and finally breaks down. By the way, this image is found in human programs quite often.
In conclusion, we will provide a more in-depth example. A woman decides to take revenge on her man for being unfaithful, and she knows images of his natural program. She knows that, one of these images, among many others, is a natural object reindeer. Therefore, all that she needs to do to understand how to take revenge on this man with the maximum harm to his health is to open an encyclopedia and read about reindeer.
Having learned from an encyclopedia that a reindeer falls into madness simply from being excessively terrorized by mosquitoes, it is not difficult for this woman to guess that all that is needed to carry out an action that is most simple to execute, but which will have terrible consequences in terms of making great damage to psyche and physiology of this men—is a piece of glass wool, gloves and access to the offender’s pants. It does not get any simpler.
The financial side of this does not deserve any attention, as costs are minimal. As for the tactical side—it is not a problem for any woman to get access to pants of any man because very few people will say “no” to sex, especially when acting wisely. While the subject of revenge is, for example, in the shower, his pants get turned inside out and the inner side gets coated with a thin layer of glass wool. This layer will not be noticeable while a man puts them on, but once the pants are on—thousands of finest glass fibers will get under the skin of the subject of revenge.
Now imagine a real reindeer, the skin of which got attacked by millions of mosquitoes… Interim results in the form of inflammation of the skin, pain, screams, squeals, tears, rushing to the doctors—do not count because it will be traumatic for any person if the inside of his pants got covered with glass wool. In this example, no one is talking about the result of these actions at the level of physical health of an individual. In this case, the main result will be constantly growing derangement of the psychical sphere of this man.
This, unlike effects from traditional women’s manipulation toolkit, like groundless accusations, claims, snotty hysterics and other cheap tricks, is guaranteed to lead to gradual breakdown of a man’s physiology.
This example considers an opportunity to make serious damage to physiology of an unwanted subject through derangement of his psyche, which occurred not as a consequence of damage to his skin, by as a consequence of effecting the program image of this man—”reindeer.” A man, who does not have this specific image in his natural individual program, would simply have to be treated for purely somatic disorders in such a situation, but these actions would not cause such a serious psychical trauma. Moreover, a trauma, which with time will have a negative impact on his physiology.
Of course, these examples are very primitive and are not methods of quick liquidation of an unwanted subject. Without doubts, there are scenarios that have a quick effect in damaging human physiology by impacting his physiology through psyche (and, psychologists can continue arguing about what is primary—psyche or physiology, but we have found out a long time ago that psyche is primary). However, we do not consider it ethical to share such recipes with the audience.
We are categorically against any violence. We just wanted to warn that it is not a good idea to consider the Catalog of human population a horoscope or something similar to that.
After all, none of you are safe from that one day not too wonderful for you—you can become the subject of an attack from this category. And, you will not even notice this because you have no chance to notice this, as you do not know your natural program and images, by which this program is recorded in your unconscious. And, this means that if someone really needs to, by using knowledge about images of your natural program and manipulation modes from the Catalog of human population that someone will take away from you not only money, health, loved ones, or something else that you value, but your life.
Sadly, regardless of what anyone declares, people of this civilization love one another obviously unchristianly, otherwise during its history humanity would not have come up with such a huge number of most varied, most devious methods of destruction of “thy neighbour:” from magic spells to the atomic bomb. Therefore, it is very naïve to hope that with discovery of the Catalog of human population (from which it is possible to get any kind of information about any person) this information will not be used, including in order to get rid of an unwanted subject from one’s path. And, you have no guarantee that this unwanted subject will not be you personally.
Since now in order to physically destroy someone it is no longer necessary to have “ground-to-ground” missiles, to invent most complicated poisons or hellish killing machines. It is enough to simply have information about images of the individual program of a person, who is, as the saying goes “stepping on the tail” and interfering with one’s life. Any impact made on psyche of an individual through these images will automatically lead to changes in his physiology (any, including fatal).
Therefore, we repeat that we are in no way opposed to someone considering the Catalog of human population a horoscope. Every person has the right to be mistaken. However, as decent people, we are obligated to warn about the possible consequences of such kinds of mistakes. After all, regardless of what opinion we, developers of this research product, have about such cruel, inhuman actions—we are not able to control or affect the process of use of the Catalog of human population by separate individuals.
In such situation, we think that every person should worry about his safety himself. All that we can help with is to warn and say that in this situation it would be most wise to find out images of your own individual natural program and manipulation modes from the Catalog of human population, so that no one would be able to do with your psychophysiology that what will inflict irreparable damage. As the saying goes, “forewarned is forearmed.” And, whether or not you value your own life and lives of your loved ones—is not for us do decide. As the saying goes, “Seppuku is a private matter of each samurai.”
After all, regardless of what anyone thinks, no one is safe from a situation where he drives someone so high up the wall that this someone will hate him to death. The reason is simple: natural manipulation modes. After all, natural arranged it so that the individual program of any person is the stimulating mode for someone. And, the stimulating mode is the strongest irritant for any person. Therefore, any person can become the subject of hatred at any point in time. And, in order to avoid this, it is not enough to be “an angel in the flesh:” meek and friendly, affectionate and caring, try to please and appease other people, treat them with kindness, respect. This will not help you.
Another question is that maybe you will be lucky and no one will want to destroy you physically. However, you are not safe if someone will want to turn you into his personal resource. A resource for anything: for getting money or other material assets, free services, help, sex, childbirth, and so on. Whether you like the idea of being used by someone or not—we do not know. However, if you do not understand what the Catalog of human population is and why this Catalog was left to humanity, if you do not know your natural program and your natural images, then you now have only two prospects: to become utilized or to become a resource. And, we honestly told you about these prospects.
Now it is time to move on to the main topic of this book—descriptions of individual programs of Homo sapiens from the Catalog of human population. However, we want to warn you that in these descriptions you will not find information about images, by which programs of these people are recorded—this information can be obtained only by contacting us. We have already stated how to do this in the Preface.
However, first, it probably makes sense to say a few words about what this information is, where it was obtained, why it is needed, and how to use it on practice. This will be discussed in Part 1 of this book.
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© 2015 Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Part 2 © 2005 Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk
© 2015 HPA Press
All rights reserved.