Benefits of Information About Human Manipulation Modes
- Knowledge and use of another person’s manipulation (control/regulation) modes enables anyone to have full control over that person.
- An ideal tool in the process of communication since there is an opportunity to speak another person’s language, to be heard and understood.
- This this tool one can make another person form any desired attitude towards himself/herself: respect, love, worship, hatred, friendly feelings, and so on.
- Manipulation modes allow one to build any type of relationship with another person.
Every person has three manipulation modes: suppression (pleasure), balance and stimulation.
Manipulation modes can be applied without the receiver ever knowing what is happening. Because when one applies the manipulation modes, they works on the receiver on the psychological level, regulating reactions and processes in his psyche. He will not register any manipulation consciously or intellectually. This provides a possibility of unlimited power over any person and an ability to control anyone’s psychophysiology depending on your needs (behavior, reactions, psychological and physical well-being, actions, etc). If one has information from the Catalog about a certain group of people, using the same principal it is possible to also manipulate a whole group, regardless of size.
Decryptions of human manipulation modes for students and independent personal/business uses are available here.
Copyright © 2010 A. Davydov, O. Skorbatyuk. Translation is Copyright © 2013 K. Bazilevsky