ISBN 9781370639694 ISBN 9781370132720 ISBN 9781370488070 ISBN 9781370789498 ISBN 9781370957781 ISBN 9781370488285 ISBN 9781370602100 ISBN 9781370961771 ISBN 9781370948826 ISBN 9781370780280 ISBN 9781370318285 ISBN 9781370706020
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People Born In <Month>
(Series of 12 books.)
By Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky
Translated by Kate Bazilevsky.
Table of Contents
Introduction. Your Soul Is Not Where You Think It Is
Part 1. Briefly About The Discovery Of The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 1. Shan Hai Jing: Knowledge About You Personally That Comes From The Depths Of Centuries
Chapter 2. The Catalog Of Human Population Is Not What It Seems
Part 2. Demos Of Natural Programs Of People Born In <month> From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 1. How To Use Demos Of Natural Programs Of Homo Sapiens
Chapter 2. Short Excerpts From The Description Of Women/Men Born On <date> From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 3. …
Part 3: More Ancient than the Zodiac
Chapter 1. Spirits-Totems From The Catalog Of Human Population
Chapter 2. <Totem name>—Spirit-Totem Of People Born In <Month>
A husband came home upset and told his wife: “I went to the doctor and he said that what we considered orgasms for thirty years are asthma attacks.”
As always, let’s begin with some news. You were majorly fooled: like in the above-mentioned anecdote, self-knowledge is not at all that what you think it is. The process that you are used to calling “looking for yourself” is idiocy because you can open up a book and find out everything about what you are like in great detail (more than you can find out about some animal from any encyclopedia). However, this book is not your favorite horoscope. Sorry if we disappointed you, but as one Russian saying goes: “Oranges do not grow on aspens.”
We understand that your take on horoscopes is lenient. Even though they contain complete nonsense—they are inoffensive, simple and amusing like children’s books. And, most importantly, they are not about you, what you are like real, without masks and permanent self-presentations in an attempt to appear better. Plus, it is nice to feel smart against the background of astrologers-charlatans, who were unable to figure you out, right? Who likes to see themselves as dissected frogs, and especially on public display? You do so much in order to ensure that no one ever finds about your “skeletons in the closet,” passions, weaknesses, and vices! Apparently, this is what horoscopes are needed for—to hide the truth; this is their “practical value.”
You might say that there is some truth in horoscopes. Well, well. Do you know that if a person is provided with any psychological portrait, any program of behavior, then he will be able to implement it more or less well? This is explainable because Homo sapiens are bio-robots. A different matter is the price that will have to be paid for an impersonation. For example, professional actors pay with their health and life itself for a place “among the stars.” As it is known, mental disorders and breakdowns, drugs, alcoholism, suicides and the like are their usual companions.
As the saying goes: “Seppuku is a private matter of each samurai.” If you like to pretend that you are someone else—do it. Just remember that you never know whether alien “software” will do well or not with natural “software” given to you from birth. It might be a conflict, and then someone’s “tail will fall off,” so to speak… This is the price for embodiment of personality traits from a horoscope, which by nature an actor does not have… However, let’s come back to this a bit later.
It is known that people are different. Some eat a toast with some cheese for breakfast, others—a bowl of cereal with milk, while some people dream of having a piece of steak in the morning. Some go to work every day, and others prefer “to create in free flight.” For some family is most important, and others run away from it like the devil that caught a whiff of incense, while, as some jokingly say, “losing women and children.” Some live according to moral values, while others have none. Some are fine with working, and others prefer to rob banks. Some like rap, while others prefer Mozart and Bach. Some take showers or clean their ears several times a day, and for others—once a week is enough. Information theory for some, and news or soccer on the television for others… At the same time, there is one thing in the world that every person desperately needs: information about who he is, what he is like by nature, for what he appeared in this world and how he should live. However, do people look for this information in the right place? …
For us, this is a rhetorical question. We do not think—we know that people are looking for themselves in all the wrong places and in the wrong way. Proof of this is the following result: they are still looking for themselves; even those, who deny this process. Why? Because they did find, but not themselves! And, somewhere deep down they know this perfectly well! This means that the search continues “in secret.” People do not know their true, natural selves. And, as it turned out, they cannot know when an objective source of this knowledge is not available to them. This is a fact. This book explains why we state this and provides proof of this.
Why did we name this series Anti-Horoscope: Human “Software?” Those people, who are really looking for themselves are long tired of lack of specificity and uselessness of horoscopes. Moreover, the principle of “horoscopism” itself hinders more than it helps. We consider “horoscopism” not only horoscopes as such, but also any nonworking methods in general: psychological tests, mystical nonsense like numerology and “meditation,” use of drugs supposedly in order to look “deep within”; religious and philosophical masturbation a la “the truth is somewhere there” with a hint that human soul cannot be uncovered, and so on.
Everything listed above is great stupidity and blatant lies. Human soul is knowable because the “soul” (or psyche, if we use the scientific term) of any person (who lived in the past, lives today or was not born yet) is described in the most detailed manner in the ancient source, which turned out to be the Catalog of Human Population! It is only necessary to open up the book and learn everything about yourself from this Encyclopedia of Homo Sapiens.
In this “encyclopedia,” which we called the Catalog of Human Population, the biological type “human” is described as divided into two hundred and ninety three subtypes, each of which is endemic and categorically different from others. Human soul is a program given to a person from birth and implanted at the genetic level. Depending on the time of birth, each person belongs to one of these two hundred and ninety three subtypes, detailed descriptions of which are provided in the Catalog of Human Population. Hence, the possibility to uncover the so-called “unknowable” soul; and, in detail on six factors: intellectual, physical, nutritional (dietological), emotional, sexual and environmental.
As you can see, thanks to the Catalog of Human Population, self-knowledge moves to the “there is nothing easier” category. Moreover, there is nothing unusual in such approach to solving the problem of “finding yourself.” On the contrary, it is standard. After all, a human is first of all a natural object, and only then—social. You learn about animals, plants, planets and all other natural objects from encyclopedias, do you not? Or, do you personally find out about, for example, animals using intuition or, even worse, by experimenting (for example, by pulling a tiger by its tail)? Or, perhaps, following the principles of “horoscopism,” in order to find out what a real tiger is like you watch cartoons about tigers or go to a toy store? …
Do not worry—you will still have something to do. The time you would use to “look for yourself” can instead be spent on something more practical; for example, to become a human… After all, you were misled in this as well because one is not born a human—one becomes a human. Shan Hai Jing includes direct indications of this in the form of detailed descriptions of six more levels of development of Homo sapiens (in addition to the level of primary programs, with which people are born), and only at the top of this pyramid there is a “human.” However, we will discuss this some other time.
This book is for those people, who are fed up with “horoscopism,” who are tired of listening to nonsense about themselves from psychologists or their “all-knowing” relatives, friends and acquaintances. It is for those people, who are bothered by that instead of getting the answer to the question “Who am I and what am I like?” are offered to find themselves independently in numerous directions of “self-knowledge:” psychological, mystical, religious, martial arts schools, etc. This book series will help you save not just some time in your life, but your whole life because otherwise your entire life will be spent on that what is a priori impossible.
And, impossible not because you are idiots, but because, as it turned out during the course of our research (over forty years)—Homo sapiens cannot know themselves without an external (and, most importantly, objective) source. Psychological theories and various “-isms” never fell under this category since they all belong to the category of not objective, but subjective. Perhaps this is the reason why very long time ago someone left humanity “factory instructions” to each one of us—the Catalog of Human Population?
It is unlikely that this book will be interesting to convinced fans of horoscopes and other “masturbatory” methods of self-knowledge, as well as to those people, who are ready to sacrifice their lives in order to continue living in belief that they already know themselves (that is, living in their fantasies). Today, there is television and internet, so one can live in fantasies without any books at all. However, who said that life in fantasies (that is, inside your cranium instead of reality) is life? …
In case you did not know, intellect is given to a human to comprehend their natural “software” and for subsequent communication with it. And, if you really want to masturbate—it is possible to do it without involving your intellect. You will get at least some reward for your work in the form of a dose of dopamine. Just be careful with this; one lab rat died after constantly pressing a pedal, wires from which went straight to the pleasure center in its brain. At the same time, to tell the truth, keenness on intellectual masturbation eventually leads to the same.
For those people, who will dare to get acquainted with the alternative way to self-knowledge and self-perfection (that is, with our scientific research related to development of the Catalog of Human Population), below is an overview of topics covered in this book.
In the first part, we briefly tell about the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population on the basis of decryption of the ancient source—Shan Hai Jing. Also, we briefly describe how human psyche is arranged. It does not make sense to go into more detail on this in this book because five books in the series titled Catalog of Human Souls are fully devoted to this topic.
In the second part, we provide proof of that this Catalog, Encyclopedia of Homo Sapiens really does exist and that we learned to decrypt ancient writings (that is, translate the language of images, by which human “software” is described in Shan Hai Jing, into the language of modern psychological descriptions). For this purpose, we included several demos in the form of very brief descriptions of human programs from the Catalog of Human Population for specific birth dates. Perhaps among them you will find a description of yourself or people you know.
If you are unsatisfied with such short descriptions—complete descriptions (thirty to fifty pages of text) are also available. You can easily order them on our website at
Note that this book is not the only one in the series titled Anti-Horoscope: Human “Software.” There are eleven more analogues books in this series for each month of the year. Therefore, if you do not find descriptions of people who interest you in this book, then look in others or contact us for this information (our contact information is provided at the end of this book).
However, since neither this book nor other books in this series offer even short descriptions of natural programs of all two hundred and ninety three subtypes of Homo sapiens—we included some general information as a so-called “consolation prize.” You will find out what this information is from the third part of this book.
And, if astrology fans decide to stay with us, then probably they will be quite interested to find out from where, so to speak, “legs grow” in some astrological notions about similarity in characters of people born within certain periods of the annual cycle, and about that what is much older than the Zodiac.
Olga Skorbatyuk and Kate Bazilevsky
San Francisco, California
May 2017
By nature Homo sapiens differ from animals. A human needs to know what he is like by nature in order to integrate his psychophysiology into the surrounding world in the best possible way, in order to “find his place under the sun.” And, it is desirable to know the answer to the question of what all this is for and, of course, how he should live in detail. For example: “I got up at 6 o’clock in the morning…” and what? What exactly does a person need to do in order to be rich, healthy and happy? As it is known, the answer to the question “Who am I and what am I like?” is directly related to the previous question. After all, probably no one will argue with the statement that we are all different, which means that way of life of one person might not suit another person at all. And, paths to happiness and success are different for everyone. Nature arranged it so that only birds-fish-cats-dogs know who they are and how they should live from birth, while Homo, even though they are “sapiens,” do not. Of course, one can forget about self-knowledge, join the ranks of zombies, “social animals,” and listen to what society says about what he should be like and how he should live, but the question is whether or not you personally want to be a zombie…
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© 2017 Andrey Davydov, Olga Skorbatyuk, Kate Bazilevsky
Translation © 2017 Kate Bazilevsky
© 2017 HPA Press
All rights reserved.