A MAN AND A WOMAN—Courses Topics
All courses are based on scientific research done by the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls, which is engaged (since 1975) in decryption of ancient manuscripts, and among them discovered the Catalog of human population. Courses are intended for the general public (18 years of age and older), as well as for specialists and professionals. Contact us to request a live lecture, a webinar, etc. on any of the listed topics (complete list of topics is available here).
A man, a woman, sexual relations are not at all that what you think.
2.2.1. There are no men or women in this civilization. There are only males and females with psychology of little boys and girls.
2.2.2. You do not have sex. How to make sure that you have sex and that your partner does not treat and use you only as a sex toy.
2.2.3. What can replace men’s sexual standards: “Stick it in, pull it out and run away”, “Drain the sperm into a woman, as into a toilet bowl,“ etc.
2.2.4. What can replace women’s sexual standards: “A sexual partner is a living dildo, and in my fantasies I’m having sex with another man/other men,“ exchange of sex for material and other benefits, etc.
2.2.5. What can replace men’s and women’s sexual standard called “You are obligated to arouse me.“
2.2.6. In reality, erogenous zones (yours personally and your partner’s) are not where you think: their placement is individual and depends on the psychical structure of a person, about which you know nothing.
2.2.7. Application of artificially created images means absence of sex; the use of natural images, by which programs of sexual partners are recorded means presence of sex.
2.2.8. Without the Catalog of human population it is impossible to have natural sexual processes, purposeful use of sex, natural orgasmic sensations with various power and duration.
2.2.9. Sex not as satisfaction of other people’s sexual fantasies, but as satisfaction of your natural sexual desires.
2.2.10. “Oral, anal and normal”: the truth about sexual taboos.
2.2.11. “Wild sex”: how to have sex out of images of animals, plants and other images from the Catalog of human population, and at the same time get a lot of pleasure.
2.2.12. It is normal to have multiple sexual partners. Origins of monogamy and polygamy are in natural human “software.”
2.2.13. For those who want to create a pair for life. Sexual relations, which both partners never become bored of are possible.
2.2.14. Who needs the institution of marriage and family, what for, and is it necessary for you personally?
Subsection 1. FOR MEN.
What no one told you about women. Some good news for men: your appearance, age, financial status, and even the size of your penis will not make any difference to a woman if you act out her manipulation modes. Using the tool “natural human manipulation modes” any man is able to not only incline any woman to have sex with him, but can also make her his lover without having to “butter her up” by money, gifts, etc. Who is a man for a woman? He is a resource. Women’s thirst for power is much stronger and more stable than men’s. A woman is a cruel exploiter in sheep’s clothing, she sends a man “to slaughter.” Women always lie. A woman who tells the truth is sick. Women’s secrets are not such an innocent thing, as it is commonly thought—it is a powerful weapon against men. One of women’s secrets is professional use of emotions as an emotional “dose” or emotional “syringing.” Women’s tactic: “I’m stressed because of you, give me some money!” Men—boomerangs. How and what for women “launch men into orbit.” A woman is the most cruel family member. Women’s emotional experiments are psychological terrorism. All women are cruel avengers when it comes to men; they take revenge even on those men, who have never done anything but good for them. Women lie that only men need sex. “Goddesses of fate” (women) fully control men’s lives: birth, death and the time interval between these events. They model, moderate, manipulate. Women have a firm opinion that “all men are pigs.” Where did “real men” go? Revelation of the secret of why women sometimes withhold sex from men. Now any man can not only have sex with any woman without any expenses, but also, with the help of skillful manipulation, can incline a woman to share her financial assets with him.
Subsection 2. FOR WOMEN.
How men turned women into nothings and got total power over them by creation of artificial images. Legalization of women’s secrets. With application of a man’s natural personal manipulation modes—parameters of a woman-manipulator absolutely do not matter: how old she is, whether she is attractive or not, etc.—she will be love anyway, and men will do whatever she needs them to do and will be by her side as long as she wants.
SERIES. A new toolkit for women to manage men. Mother’s/grandmother’s life recipes are the root cause of all women’s problems: from pimples to loneliness or cancer. Women’s clichés are keys, which like thieves’ “lock-picks,” are intended to break into the psyche of another person. (Additional sub-topic: 21 Female Clichés) Cliché Actress: Those women who do not know about this, play the role of “sexy,” look silly and vulgar, and are unable to make a man or another woman fully submit. (Presentation on TV (in Russian): Female Psychology – Cliché Actress) Cliché Clown: Strong impact on psyche of another person with a sweet smile on her face. Cliché Shaman: Use of this cliché allows a woman to master her skill of seduction to such an extent that she could cause an erection even in a deadman. (Presentation on TV (in Russian): Female Psychology – Cliché Shaman) An alternative to seduction of people of either gender by the use of traditional methods: individual natural human manipulation modes. Women do not know that emotions can be a fountain of life, as well as a fountain of death, their death.
SERIES. The method, by which men turned women into nothings. World history of turning women into mats. “All women are the same.” Artificial images—a tool for mass unification of women. Who, how and what for turned a woman into a free add-on to her vagina. For “princesses”: how favorite since childhood heroines of fairytales break women’s lives, turning them into trash. “I already know everything”: how the image of the biblical Eve turns women into mentally retarded and stupid. “I eat like a bird” is the best recipe to gain excess weight, and the dream “Be near me always” is the way to an intensive care unit. Why it is detrimental for women to know nothing about the influence of images on human psychophysiology. If by nature a woman is not a clone of a Barbie-doll, then who? And, how to become a woman?
SERIES. A woman is a log with legs spread wide. How goddesses were turned into logs. Is it true that while a woman is in demand as a female, she is interesting to nature as a biological species? “All women are stupid”: the reason why a woman’s intellect dies and how it can be reanimated. The deeper you get into your fantasies, the closer you get to a mental disorder and a shovel to dig a hole with and bury yourself. Women and emotions: “dead and beautiful.” Why women forbid themselves to follow their emotions as natural needs. Is it necessary for a woman to take “molds” of a man in order to amuse herself with fantasies that she knows, understands and controls him? A girl and a doll. A simple and effective recipe for making any woman more primitive than a toaster and easily managing her. An image is a magic wand that shoots from both ends simultaneously. How women unintentionally kill themselves. How and why a woman turns herself into scum. Men try to find themselves, while women look for something for themselves. A woman’s thirst for power over a man is the way to become garbage. All women (by their psychology) are card tricksters.
SERIES. “Head in underpants.“ Why women’s heads are “in their underpants” for most of their lives. Women’s promiscuity (as well as men’s) is neither a disease nor a vice. How to be a slut, and with pleasure.
SERIES. Business women’s way. Business women’s way is a short time period between pads and condoms. How to arouse a boss or a colleague of either gender (during business hours as well) without looking like a prostitute.
SERIES. Feminism. Feminists do not really need that what they are fighting for because that is also forced upon them by men. Women do not need equality with men—women need power over men. With the Catalog of human population it is now possible to get such power.
Subsection 3. GAYS, LESBIANS.
Undeservedly accused and unjustly persecuted. It is natural and normal to be gay or lesbian. Although not for everyone. For gays and lesbians: ways to overcome negative attitudes towards yourself, as well as internal psychological problems. A method for finding sexual partners without having to deal with those people, who are not inclined to have homosexual relations or have strong negative views on homosexuality. Fundamentals for creation of an ideology for leaders of organizations for gays and lesbians.
It turned out that most “sexual perversions” are norms. Which specifically so-called “sexual perversions” are norms, for whom and why this is so.
Loneliness and failures in love are problems only for those, who do not use the Catalog of human population. Love is not something you need to dream about your whole life—it is something you can have right now and always. The root cause of loneliness and problems in love is only that an individual is poorly informed on how to quickly and surely find a suitable partner (partners), and how to become loved forever.
SERIES. A powerful weapon “in a fight for love”—human manipulation modes: suppression, balance stimulation. Manipulation modes: a simple and easy way to seduce absolutely any man or woman. In order to make someone experience true love towards you, (all the way to adoration, deification, worship) it is necessary to know that person’s Suppression Mode. Balance Mode is the shortest way to make a person trust you, experience friendly feelings towards you, and feel comfortable around you. Stimulation Mode motivates another person to perform any actions you need him to perform. How to use manipulation modes to rid yourself of communication with a lover (spouse, relative, etc.) you are bored with or who is angry, and do it easily, quickly, and without detriment to yourself. How to use human manipulation modes to make a partner stop cheating on you even if he/she is polygamous by nature. How to get rid of a competitor by using knowledge of manipulation modes of your partner. How to permanently stop being the object of manipulation in relationships through knowledge of your own manipulation modes.
SERIES. Ideal partnership is possible. How to find a perfect life partner, with whom you will not have to play any roles, lie, manipulate, etc. How to find a person, who will adore you, worship you like a deity and you will not have to do anything for this. How to find a person whom you will adore, and thus find out what are real passion and true, sincere love. How to find an ideal partner for business, recreation, hobbies, entertainment, creativity, learning, communal living, achievement of some goal, etc. How to find a person, who will quickly (and absolutely for free) relieve you of a bad mood, depression, worries, anxiety, psychological discomfort, and sufferings. How to find a person, who will quickly put you in a state of balance, harmony and comfort without psychologists, psychiatrists and medication. How to find a person, who will almost instantly put you in a state of complete readiness, stimulate you to perform any actions, if you are lacking energy or are too lazy. For businessmen, who make money in the dating industry, etc.: how to take clients “by the lower tie” and not lose them.