About Us
Researcher-sinologist Andrey Davydov made a breakthrough discovery: the source of knowledge of human nature and models of human psyche (soul) is the ancient Chinese monument called Shan Hai Jing (Catalog of Mountains and Seas). It turned out that it holds descriptions of 293 individual models of human psyche (free demos are available here).
Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls was founded by Andrey Davydov. The laboratory is engaged in research and decryption of the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing (as well as other ancient texts), and creation of the Catalog of Human Population on its basis. The technology of uncovering individual structures of psyche of Homo sapiens for this Catalog was developed by Andrey Davydov; it is not based on any existing domestic or foreign research, methods or theoretical concepts. The laboratory is a partner with the Human Population Academy.
Human Population Academy was founded by Kate Bazilevsky. The Academy educates about the Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls) and provides access to informational materials from this Catalog to the public. All educational materials presented by the Human Population Academy are based on results of scientific research done by the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls.
Everything in Nature has its own algorithms, and people, like it or not, are part of it, and therefore are subjects to its laws. Indefinable, unknown, and unpredictable are all concepts that mean that one lacks information, currently lacks knowledge or understanding of a phenomenon or subject. Discovery and research done by the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls eliminates this informational gap.
Mission & Vision
Human Population Academy‘s mission is to inform all of over 7 billion humans living on Earth about the discovery of the Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls).
Human Population Academy‘s vision: a world where every person uses the Catalog of Human Population (Catalog of Human Souls).
Research Supervisor (1999-2014) of the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls
Andrey Davydov is an expert in Chinese culture, researcher of ancient texts, the author of scientific discovery of the Catalog of Human Population and the technology of decryption of the ancient Chinese monument Shan Hai Jing as the Catalog of Human Population. Davydov authored over 300 published books, including scientific monographs and ideologies. In 2012, he was granted political asylum in the USA due to persecution by a group of employees of the Federal Security Service of Russian Federation (FSB, formerly KGB), who decided to expropriate his research product—the Catalog of Human Population.

Senior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls
Olga Skorbatyuk is a professional psychologist, one of the developers of the Catalog of Human Population, the founder of Non-Traditional Psychoanalysis, and co-author of over 300 books and scientific articles. Skorbatyuk was granted political asylum in the USA together with A. Davydov.

Founder of the Human Population Academy, Junior Analyst at the Special Scientific Info-Analytical Laboratory—Catalog of Human Souls
Kate Bazilevsky is the director of the Human Population Academy, a Junior Analyst at the Catalog of Human Souls laboratory, an author and a translator of books about the Catalog of Human Population. She holds a degree in MIS and psychology. Bazilevsky founded the Human Population Academy in 2011 and a publishing company called HPA Press in 2012.