Join HPA’s Affiliate Program
There are multiple ways to participate:
1. Sell Informational Materials from the Catalog of Human Population:
If an affiliate (an individual or an organization) sells our materials, then we pay a commission % on EACH ordered material from the Catalog of Human Population (see the list of available informational materials and pricing at Commission % is established on individual basis; to become an affiliate, please contact us here.
We have 25+ years of experience selling information from Catalog of Human Population and, according to statistics, when a person gets an informational material about himself/herself, his/her loved ones or about other people, and information on how to control himself/herself/them (that is, after confirming that the Catalog works) — that client comes back to us over and over again. For example, after ordering a description of an Individual (Subtype) Program, a person usually wishes to also get descriptions of all 3 Manipulation Modes. This is understandable because any person wants to know exactly how he/she can be unnoticeably manipulated, wants to stop being a subject of manipulation, and this is possible only when one knows his/her natural Manipulation Modes. After this, usually a person is convinced that we are not deceiving him/her and really can identify contents of people’s unconscious sphere. So, he/she orders information about images, by which his/her Individual (Subtype) Program and Manipulation Modes are recorded. Using images of Individual (Subtype) Programs and Manipulation Modes people can also get a huge amount of information about themselves and use it in everyday life (which, among other things, saves a huge amount of money on nutritionists, psychologists, coaches, etc.). In addition to information about themselves, our clients usually order information about those people, with whom they are in contact: for ex., in order to build a relationship that they need and that is beneficial to them, or to get some benefits from a person they are interested in, etc. After all, people have family, friends, colleagues, bosses, competitors, etc. (in other words, people with whom they communicate and people from whom they always need something). So, after receiving the first order, our clients usually order at least 7-10 more materials. Therefore, usually our affiliates receive commission from each client more than just once or twice.
2. Organize Presentations & Lectures:
Please see the list of available topics here and contact us.
3. Resell HPA Press eBooks via Smashwords Affiliates Steps:
- Learn about the program and register at Smashwords Affiliates.
- Search for our eBooks listed here.
- Link to any of our books on Smashwords to earn a referral bonus of up to 30% on every sale.
- Smashwords allows you to track your sales and takes care of all commission payouts.
4. Resell HPA Press Books, eBooks and AudioBooks via Amazon Associates Steps:
- Register at Amazon Associates.
- Search for HPA Press books, eBooks and AudioBooks listed here and here.
- Create a store or a widget to embed on your existing website or blog (steps on how to do this are available at Amazon Associates).
- Amazon allows you to track your sales and takes care of all commission payouts.

Thank you.How to do this work.What will be my job responsibility if I do work?How I will get my payment?Hourly payment or Monthly payment?How much money can I income hourly or monthly?
Hello Israq,
If you are interested in selling informational materials from the Catalog of Human Population – please contact us here.
If you would like to simply resell HPA Press books, eBooks and AudioBooks – Amazon, Smashwords and other internet stores where these books are sold take care of affiliate payouts, so you would need to set up accounts with them